Equity joint venture definition
Examples of Equity joint venture in a sentence
In India, an Overseas Direct Investment (called a Co-operation Agreement in Ukraine, Equity joint venture in China, and a Joint Venture in the USA) is the legal vehicle used to perform a global collaboration.
Details of the Company’s principal subsidiaries are as follows: Place of establishment/ Registered capital/issued and fully paid Percentage of equity interest/voting right attributable to the Company NameincorporationcapitalLegal structureDirectlyIndirectlyPrincipal activities Shenyang JinBei Passenger Vehicle Manufacturing Company Limited Shenyang, the PRC US$171,160,000 Equity joint venture 51% — Minibus manufacturing, assembly and sales Ningbo Yuming Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd.
Ningbo, the PRC US$2,500,000 Equity joint venture — 51% Manufacturing and sales of automotive components Shenyang XingYuanDong AutomobileComponent Co., Ltd.
Equity Joint Venture: Equity joint venture involves the creation of a new company in which foreign and local investors share ownership and control.Among equity joint venture and contractual joint venture, international joint venture and corporate alliance become popular nowadays.
Ningbo, the PRC US$2,500,000 Equity joint venture — 51% Manufacturing and sales of automotive components Shenyang XingYuanDong Automobile Component Co., Ltd.
Equity joint venture is a business agreement entailing the creation of a separate business entity by two or more independent firms, where they own the new firm to some extent and share related business risks (Harrigan, 1988).
Shenyang, the PRC RMB60,000,000 Equity joint venture 50% Manufacturing and sales of automotive engines China Zhengtong Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
Equity joint venture partnerships between an IPP and a community partner is a common industry practice that helps mitigate the financial risk and burden one single party might have to take bear a particular project.
Shenyang, the PRC RMB155,032,500 Equity joint venture — 100% Manufacturing and trading of automotive components Ningbo Brilliance Ruixing Auto Components Co., Ltd.
Bona Fide Joint Ventures • No JV Member has the ability to control the frequency or volume of “referrals.”• Arrangement does not operate primarily on referrals from the JV Members.• JV makes distributions of income to JV Members strictly in proportion to each JV ownership interest and capital contribution.• Equity joint venture in which each JV Member has assumed genuine business risk by committing financial resources (shared risk).