ERV means Exchange rate variations"ERV" means Exchange rate variations "FAS" means Free alongside shipment"FAS" means Free alongside shipment "FOB" means Freight on Board"FOB" means Freight on Board
ERV means Exchange rate variations
ERV means Exchange rate variations "FAS" means Free alongside shipment "FOB" means Freight on Board "FOR" means Free on Rail "GCC" means General Conditions of Contract GIT means General Instructions to Tenderers GST means Goods and Services Tax which will replace Sales Tax "H1, H2 etc" means First Highest, Second Highest Offers etc inDisposal Tenders Incoterms means International Commercial Terms, 2000 (of ICC) "L1. L2 etc" means First or second Lowest Offer etc. "LC" means Letter of Credit "LD or L/D" means Liquidated Damages "LSI" means Large Scale Industry "NIT" means Notice Inviting Tenders. "NSIC" means National small industries corporation "PQB" means Pre qualification bidding "PSU" means Public Sector Undertaking "PVC" means Price variation clause "RC" means Rate contract "RR or R/R" means Railway Receipt "SBD" or "T D" means Standard Bid Document / Tender Document "SCC" means Special Conditions of Contract "SIT" means Special Instructions to Tenderers "BRBNMPL" means Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited "SS I" means Small Scale Industry "ST" means Sales Tax "VAT" means Value Added Tax
More Definitions of ERV
ERV means Estimated Rental Value; “EU” means the European Union; “Euros” or “€” means Euros;
ERV means "estimated rental value", as determined by the Valuer at
ERV means "estimated rental value", as determined by the Valuer at the most recent valuation;
ERV means East River Ventures II LP.
ERV means Estimated Rental Value;
ERV means Exchange rate variations "FAS" means Free alongside shipment
ERV means the energy recovery ventilator(s) integrated into the HVAC serving and benefitting the Dwelling;