Examples of ESL Parties in a sentence
The settlement has been made on the basis that none of the allegations against the Named ESL Parties have been proven.
At the proper time, the ESL Parties intend to defend vigorously against these claims, and they reserve their rights to move to strike the intended actions once commenced.
It is not clear to the ESL Parties which entity or entities provided information to the Litigation Investigator.
Following the granting of court approval of the ESL Parties Settlement, the parties would release a joint public statement.
Leave must be taken within 30 days of the death of an immediate family member and leave days do not have to be taken at the same time.
As pldeead, the ESL Parties did not know, and ought not reasonably to have known, that the declaration and payment of2t0h1e3 dividendconstituted a brecah of the fiduciary duties the idrectors owed to SCIM.
Despite their overarching concerns, the ESL Parties recognize that these motions are not the appropriate forum for a determination on the legal and factual infirmities in the causes of action that are vaguely alleged against the Proposed Defendants.
In these circumstanc,egsranting a remedy in oppression against the ESL Parties would be inequitable.
For all the above reasons, the ESL Parties request that this Court decline to impose the Litigation Investigator’s proposed Protocol.
The Named ESL Parties will pay to the Plaintiffs the amount of$22,500,000 (as defined and described below) (the “Settlement Funds”) in full and final satisfaction of all claims arising from or related to or that could have been asserted in the Dividend Claims (the “Released Claims”).