Examples of Estimated Cost of the Work in a sentence
The parties agree that the GMP for the Project is $ , consisting of the Preconstruction Fee, the Estimated Cost of the Work and the CM/GC Fee (stated as a fixed dollar lump sum amount), as follows: Preconstruction Fee: $ Estimated Cost of Work (Est.
COW): $ GMP (Total of above categories): $ For purposes of determining the GMP, the Estimated Cost of the Work includes the CM/GC’s Contingency, costs for General Conditions Work, and the costs of all components and systems required for a complete, fully functional facility.
Upon EPA’s approval, the Estimated Cost of the Work shall be deemed to be the estimate of the cost of the remaining Work in the approved proposal.
Upon EPA’s acceptance of a reduction in the amount of the performance guarantee, the Estimated Cost of the Work shall be deemed to be the estimated cost of completing the Work set forth in EPA’s written decision.
A fee based upon the following percentages of the various portions of either the Cost of the Work or the Estimated Cost of the Work: a.
COW): $ GMP (Total of above categories): $ For purposes of determining the GMP, the Estimated Cost of the Work includes the CM/GC’s Contingency, the Fixed Cost for GC Work, and the costs of all components and systems required for a complete, fully functional facility.
Preconstruction Fee + CM/GC Fee + Estimated Cost of the Work (Est.
To the extent that the fixed Cost of the Work is less than the Estimated Cost of the Work for a respective line item, such line item shall be reduced, and the Construction Contingency increased accordingly.
To the extent that the fixed Cost of the Work is greater than the Estimated Cost of the Work for a respective line item, such line item shall be increased by such amount, if available, from Construction Contingency or from an established “savings” from another line item (with that line item being reduced accordingly).
There are no recorded claims within 50m of the site boundary.Based on the available evidence and the site location, the risk posed by coal mining is considered to be Low.