Price Escalation Sample Clauses
Price Escalation. Any increase in the Seller's cost of supplying the Product caused by any law, regulation, tax, common carrier pipeline tariff, fractionation fees, throughput fee, third party operated facility charge or otherwise, imposed or increased after the date of this Agreement on or respecting the ownership, storage, processing, production, transportation (including fuel surcharges, wait times and travel restrictions), distribution, use or sale of the Product covered by this Agreement will be added to the price under this Agreement.
Price Escalation. Price shall be firm and fixed during entire contract period. Price escalation is not applicable.
Price Escalation. CPI Based price increase:
Price Escalation. The Contract Price is payable in the currency stated in the Particular Conditions and the Contract Price and any rates included in the Contract shall be fixed, and shall not be subject to any increase as a result of any fluctuation, escalation and/or increase in the Contractor’s costs or otherwise and/or any change in currency exchange rates.
Price Escalation. The pricing contained in the Contractor's Financial Proposal for hourly-based services in response to the solicitation shall remain fixed during the first two (2) years of the Contract Term. The Contractor’s not-to-exceed hourly rates may be adjusted once annually thereafter in accordance with the methodology outlined below. The Contractor may be granted an increase in their not-to-exceed hourly rates, dependent upon fluctuations in CPI-U (Consumer Price Index – All Urban Consumers), as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D.C. 20212. Any annual increase in the not-to-exceed hourly rates shall be the lesser of (a) a cap at 2%; or (b) a cap at the CPI-U (Consumer Price Index – All Urban Consumers) for the preceding twelve-month period that is published by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics on or about 90 days prior to the anniversary date of OSC’s approval of the Contract. The Contractor has the sole responsibility to request, in writing, not-to-exceed hourly rate(s) adjustment. This request must be received at the below address within three (3) months of the “base month.” The ‘base’ month for determining adjustments will be the third month prior to the start date of the Contract. For example, if the Contract is approved by OSC in September 2022, the ‘base’ month will be June. The base month is fixed and will not be adjusted year to year. The adjustments will be based on the difference in the base month CPI for each applicable year and will become effective in the anniversary month. As long as the request is submitted and received within the required time frame, the adjustment will be processed using the base month CPI. Once approved or rejected, the Contractor will be notified in writing. Contractor shall not submit revised invoices until such notification, at which point an invoice may be submitted for any retroactive difference owed. Requests must be sent to: NYS Office of Information Technology Services Vendor Sourcing and Management Organization Empire State Plaza P.O. Box 2062 Albany, NY 12220-2062 Should the Contractor fail to submit their request, to the proper location, within three (3) months of the applicable base month date, Contractor shall be deemed to have waived their right to any increase in the not-to-exceed hourly rates.
Price Escalation. Price Escalation or Price Variation shall not be applicable or considered under any circumstances for the purchases made under this tender or agreement. However, the provisions provided for tax variations are exclusive to this clause.
Price Escalation. A. The Contract prices will remain firm for the first year of the Contract. A request for a price escalation will: 1) only be considered for subsequent years; and 2) must be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of a current year; and 3) must be approved by the Parties prior to the next year effective date; and 4) will only be allowed on a pass-through basis (does not result in a higher profit margin than that reflected in the prices awarded in the original proposal. The Contractor will be required to provide sufficient documentation to justify the requested price escalation(s) Spokane County will determine the acceptability of sources. Documentation will include a cost proposal in sufficient detail for the County to perform a cost/price analysis upon which the original proposal was made. An evaluation and/or audit will be performed on the cost proposal as well as other submitted documentation in order to determine if the requested price increase(s) is fair and reasonable. Approval of a price escalation request will be at the sole discretion of Spokane County. Retroactive price increase adjustments will not be considered. In summary, adjustments to pricing shall be the result of increases at the manufacturer's level or payroll paid wage rate level, incurred after the Contract commencement date that: 1) will not yield a higher profit margin than that reflected in the prices awarded in the original proposal; and 2) clearly identifies the items impacted by the increase; and 3) is accompanied by documentation, acceptable to Spokane County.
B. If the County does not find the documentation sufficient to support a price escalation request on a pass through basis the County reserves the option to counter offer with an percentage increase up to but not to exceed the percentage based upon the movement of the unadjusted figures of the U.S. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U, U.S. City Average) hereafter called the CPI. The movement period will be of the CPI for the 12-month period ending three months prior to the end of the current term of the contract. The contract price changes, if agreed to by both Parties, shall be binding on the contractor for the subsequent contract year should it be awarded.
C. This escalation/de-escalation provision and its methodology shall be considered to mean and apply to price decreases as well as increases. Price decreases may be considered and implemented at any time during the term of...
Price Escalation. The Price is payable in the currency stated in the Particular Conditions and shall be a fixed price lump sum, and shall not be subject to any increase as a result of i) any fluctuation, escalation and/or increase in the Consultant’s costs, ii) (other than in accordance clause 6.1) the Consultant providing additional or varied services to those included in the Services and/or the Schedule of Payments, iii) any delay and/or prolongation to the Services and/or the Project, and/or iv) any change in currency exchange rates. The Consultant shall not be entitled to any increase in the Price and/or to any further payment under this Contract except as expressly provided in this Contract.
Price Escalation. ImageTrend reserves the right to escalate the prices contained herein, and any recurring fee, by no more than 3 % of the then current price for each anniversary of the Effective Date for the current term of the Agreement. ImageTrend further reserves the right to escalate travel prices once per year upon written notice to Client. Such travel price increases will only affect future travel prices and will not change the price or amount due to ImageTrend for previously rendered travel.