ETC Regulation definition
Examples of ETC Regulation in a sentence
Opening up the programme to new beneficiaries is important in particular when considering the ambitious objective set out in the Article 2 (3a) ETC Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013 for interregional cooperation, i.e. “to reinforce the effectiveness of cohesion policy”.
The Lead Partner is entitled to file complaints regarding findings resulting from the controls referred to in Article 23 of the ETC Regulation according to the national legislation.
Expenditure that breaches one of these rules will be found ineligible and will not be paid by the Programme.Articles 65 to 71 of the CPR, Article 18 of the ETC Regulation and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 481/2014 establish the main rules on eligibility of expenditure.
Reference: point (a)(iv) of Article 8(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013) In accordance with Article 23(2) of the ETC Regulation, the Managing Authority (MA), after consultation with the participating countries, shall set up the joint secretariat (JS) to support and assist the Managing Authority and the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) and, where appropriate, the Audit Authority and the Group of Auditors in carrying out their respective functions.
An explanation for this progress, according to state authorities, the press, and others, is the implementation of the full-day high school program.
The specific approach on integrated actions for sustainable urban development, as defined in Article 8(3) of the ETC Regulation, will not be applied in the NWE Programme.
The relevant EC regulations in force, in particular Articles 18 to 20 of the ETC Regulation and the rules contained in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 481/2014, furthermore the national eligibility rules have to be respected.
The LP solely bears the overall financial and legal responsibility for the project and for the PPs in accordance with Article 13 of the ETC Regulation.
This is in line with the ETC Regulation since at least 80% of the ERDF finances shall be concentrated on a maximum of four thematic objectives.
Reference: point (a)(iv) of Article 8(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013) In accordance with Article 23(2) of the ETC Regulation, the Managing Authority (MA), after consultation with the participating countries, shall set up the joint secretariat (JS) to support and assist the managing authority and the joint monitoring committee (JMC) in carrying out their respective functions.