Ethical Compliance Officer definition

Ethical Compliance Officer means the person appointed by World Athletics to oversee the implementation of the rules relating to ethical compliance, including developing and maintaining policies and procedures thereunder, and providing training, guidance and ad hoc advice.
Ethical Compliance Officer means the person appointed by World Athletics as its ethical compliance officer in accordance with the Vetting Rules.
Ethical Compliance Officer means the person appointed by the IAAF to carry out the roles and responsibilities identified in the Rules and Regulations, including these Rules.

Examples of Ethical Compliance Officer in a sentence

  • The members shall comprise: 3.2.1 three (3) Council Members (one of whom must be a member of the Competition Commission) together with a further two (2) Council Members appointed to act as substitutes in case of recusal under paragraph 9.11 of these Terms of Reference; 3.2.2 the Director of Competitions and Events (ex-officio); and 3.2.3 the Ethical Compliance Officer (ex-officio).

  • All nonpublic documentation and information disclosed to Customer in accordance with this Section shall be deemed proprietary and confidential information of BNY Mellon.

  • The members shall be: 3.2.1 three (3) Council Members (one of whom must be a member of the Competition Commission); 3.2.2 the Director of Competitions and Events (ex-officio); and 3.2.3 the Ethical Compliance Officer (ex-officio).

More Definitions of Ethical Compliance Officer

Ethical Compliance Officer means the person appointed by the IAAF as its ethical compliance officer in accordance with the Vetting Rules.
Ethical Compliance Officer means the person appointed by World Athletics to carry out the roles and responsibilities identified in the Rules and Regulations, including these Rules or other person acting under his or her authority.

Related to Ethical Compliance Officer

  • Compliance Officer means Company Secretary or such other senior officer, who is financially literate and is capable of appreciating requirements for legal and regulatory compliance under these regulations designated so and reporting to the Board of Directors and who shall be responsible for compliance of policies, procedures, maintenance of records, monitoring adherence to the rules for the preservation of unpublished price sensitive information, monitoring of trades and the implementation of the codes specified in these regulations under the overall supervision of the Board of Directors of the Company.

  • Chief Compliance Officer means the individual appointed by the Board as BSEF’s chief compliance officer in accordance with the Operating Agreement, with the duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time as set forth in Rule 208.

  • Preclearance Officer means the person designated as the Preclearance Officer in Appendix 2 hereof.

  • Vigilance and Ethics Officer means an officer appointed to receive protected disclosures from whistle blowers, maintaining records thereof, placing the same before the Audit Committee for its disposal and informing the Whistle Blower the result thereof.

  • Clearance Officer, W CAR:MP:FP:S, Xxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000. Comments on the collection of information should be received by September 17, 2002. Comments are specifically requested concerning: Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Internal Revenue Service, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the estimated burden associated with the collection of information (see below); How the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected may be enhanced; How the burden of complying with the collection of information may be minimized, including through the application of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and Estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and purchase of service to provide information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. The estimated total annual reporting burden is 470 hours, based on an estimated number of respondents of 470 and an estimated average annual burden hours per respondent of one hour. Books or records relating to a collection of information must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.

  • Reporting Officer With respect to the Owner Trustee, any officer, employee or other person within the Corporate Trust Office of the Owner Trustee having responsibility for the administration of the Trust Agreement.

  • LEGAL COMPLIANCE This Agreement and any transaction with, or payment to, you pursuant to the terms hereof is conditioned on your representation to us that, as of the date of this Agreement you are, and at all times during its effectiveness you will be, a bank as defined in Section 3(a)(6) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (or other financial institution) and not otherwise required to register as a broker or dealer under such Act. You agree to notify us promptly in writing if this representation ceases to be true. You also agree that, regardless of whether you are a member of the NASD, you will comply with the rules of the NASD, including, in particular, Sections 2310, IM 2310-2, and 2830 of the NASD Conduct Rules, and that you will maintain adequate records with respect to your customers and their transactions, and that such transactions will be without recourse against you by your customers. We recognize that, in addition to applicable provisions of state and federal securities laws, you may be subject to the provisions of the Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxx Act and other laws governing, among other things, the conduct of activities by federal and state chartered and supervised financial institutions and their affiliated organizations. As such, you may be restricted in the activities that you may undertake and for which you may be paid, and, therefore, we recognize that you will not perform activities that are inconsistent with your statutory and regulatory obligations. Because you will be the only one having a direct relationship with the customer, you will be responsible in that relationship for insuring compliance with all laws and regulations, including those of all applicable federal and state regulatory authorities and bodies having jurisdiction over you or your customers to the extent applicable to securities purchases hereunder.

  • Finance Officer means the Comptroller of the City or her authorized agent.

  • Development Officer means the Development Officer appointed by the Council of the Municipality.

  • Monitoring Officer means the officer designated under Section 5(1) of the 1989 Act.

  • Competent Officer means any officer authorized by the Corporation to act on behalf of the Corporation under this Contract.

  • Campus police officer means a school security officer designated by the board of education of any school district pursuant to K.S.A. 72-6146, and amendments thereto.

  • Assessing Officer means an officer of a State Government or Board or licensee, as the case may be, designated as such by the State Government;

  • Compliance Audit means the procedure (in a form advised by the GLA from time to time) by which an auditor independent of the Grant Recipient certifies (at the Grant Recipient's cost) whether the Named Projects developed or Rehabilitated pursuant to this Agreement satisfy the GLA's procedural compliance requirements (as described in the Affordable Housing Capital Funding Guide);

  • Certified peace officer means a peace officer certified by the

  • Substantial compliance means a level of compliance with these rules where any deficiencies pose no greater risk to resident health or safety than the potential for causing minor harm.

  • Medical Affairs Activities means, with respect to any country or other jurisdiction in the Territory, the coordination of medical information requests and field based medical scientific liaisons with respect to Licensed Compounds or Licensed Products, including activities of medical scientific liaisons and the provision of medical information services with respect to a Licensed Compound or Licensed Product.

  • TO Procurement Officer meansTO Procurement Officer. The Agency may change the TO Procurement Officer at any time by written notice to the TO Contractor.

  • Code of Ethics Contact Person means the Chief Compliance Officer or such person or persons as may be from time to time designated.

  • Professional development means training programs for

  • Contact Officer means the person identified as Contact Officer on the cover page of this RFT;

  • major non-compliance outcome notification means a notification received by a council under section 19N(3) or (4) of the Food Act 1984, or advice given to council by an authorized officer under that Act, of a deficiency that does not pose an immediate serious threat to public health but may do so if no remedial action is taken

  • Police officer means every officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic, or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations.

  • continuing professional development means the continuing professional development contemplated in section 32;

  • Compliance Review means an inspection of the home, grounds, and files to determine compliance with these regulations.

  • Privacy Officer means the person responsible for privacy within the NSO;