Examples of EU regulated market in a sentence
This will include "proprietary" indices or strategies where these are used to (i) determine the amount payable under, or the value of, certain financial instruments (including securities and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives listed on an EU regulated market, EU multilateral trading facility (MTF), EU organised trading facility (OTF) or traded via a systematic internaliser), (ii) determine the amount payable under certain financial contracts, or (iii) measure the performance of an investment fund.
ESMA maintains on its website3 a consolidated list of third-coun- try markets that have been considered to be equivalent to an EU regulated market for the pur- pose of the OTC derivative definition under EMIR.
It is expected that credit institutions or investment firms whose shares are listed on an EU regulated market should meet their capital requirements regarding the core elements of capital with these listed common shares that meet a strict set of criteria for the core capital instruments and the disclosed reserves of the institution only.
In order to adequately take into account the diversity of legal forms credit institutions and investment firms in the European Union are operating under, the strict set of criteria for the core capital instruments will ensure that core capital instruments for institutions not listed on an EU regulated market are of highest quality.
Publication of consolidated financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) adopted by the EU and other specific items by any company established in the EU that has securities (e.g. shares, bonds) listed on an EU regulated market by virtue of the IAS Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002, the Transparency Directive 2004/109/EC and the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014.
ESMA maintains on its website5 a consolidated list of third-coun- try markets that have been considered to be equivalent to an EU regulated market for the pur- pose of the OTC derivative definition under EMIR.
This will include "proprietary" indices or strategies where these are used to (i) determine the amount payable under, or the value of, certain financial instruments (including securities or OTC derivatives listed on an EU regulated market, EU multilateral trading facility (MTF), EU organised trading facility (OTF) or traded via a systematic internaliser), (ii) determine the amount payable under certain financial contracts, or (iii) measure the performance of an investment fund.
State whether the company has issued any shares that are not traded on an EU regulated market: [ ] Yes[ √ ] NoIf appropriate, indicate the different classes of shares and the rights and obligations conferred for each class: B.
Whether the company is a PIE will depend on whether the company in question is an EU incorporated undertaking (i.e., a company governed by the laws of a Member State) whose debt is admitted to trading on an EU regulated market.
To mitigate this risk, EU subsidiaries of non- EU companies, as well as any non-EU company with transferable securities listed on an EU regulated market, are covered by the reporting requirements set out in the proposal.