Examples of EU ship in a sentence
Member States shall not prohibit the placing on the market or the placing on board an EU ship of marine equipment which complies with this Directive, nor refuse to issue the certificates relating thereto to the ships flying their flag, or to renew the said certificates.
The present ongoing EU discussion on reviewing EU ship- ment rules for waste is likely to give Member States more possibilities to oppose shipments to other Member States.
May 8th 1998, John Connelly, Jr. with Gilbert Kliman, M.D., 2.5 hrs.
It may also contain additional definition on what is meant by “last placing on board” for the item, i.e. (I) First installation of the equipment in its functional position on board an EU ship, (II) First installation of the equipment in its functional position or stowing in its functional position on board an EU ship, (III) Delivery of the equipment to the shipyard if this takes place within 30 months before delivery of the ship.
Japan stated that probably this item is on the agenda as many EU countries are interested in the ship recycling industry and the reason why those countries are interested in it is because EU ship recycling regulation may create a new market for European ship recycling yards.
Perhaps because thecompetitiveness of such a ship (at least in terms of cost) would always be higher than that of an equivalent EU ship, we thought that examining such a comparison here would not be that interesting].
The sector also has 1 Canadian ship, 1 EU ship and 1 Chinese ship.
Owners of ships flying the flag of an EU Member State can only send their ships for dismantling in facilities that appear on the EU List.8Whilst the EU Ship Recycling Regulation doesn’t impose mandatory authorisation of all EU ship recycling facilities, it does require authorisation for those facilities that wish to undertake recycling activities on EU flagged ships that fall within the scope of the EU Regulation.
When North American capacity is included in the picture, available OECD capacity for the EU-flagged end-of life fleet will by 2015 equate to 132% of the total EU ship inventory.
The term EEA ship reflects the term EU ship used in the Directive.