EU Threshold definition

EU Threshold means the respective threshold for Services, Supplies, Works or Light-Touch Services contracts referred to in the Public Contract Regulations 2015.
EU Threshold. ’ means the respective threshold for Services, Supplies, Works or Light- Touch Services contracts referred to in the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016.

Examples of EU Threshold in a sentence

  • If a procurement is over the EU Threshold it must be published on OJEU.

  • Where the Total Value is more than the EU Threshold, one must be the Director of Resources or Officer designated by the Director of Resources.

  • Where the estimated value is above the EU Threshold (see the Glossary in section 7 for the values), details must be published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and specific timings and procedures adhered to.

  • Specific EU procurement rules must be followed where the open procedure is used to procure works, goods or services above the EU Threshold.

  • The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 requires that at the pre-procurement stage of contracts for services (not goods or works) above the EU Threshold consideration is given to the economic, environmental and social benefits of the procurement in the Borough.

More Definitions of EU Threshold

EU Threshold means the respective threshold for Supplies, Works, or Services Contracts, excluding Social
EU Threshold means the threshold prescribed in Regulation 5 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
EU Threshold means the relevant contract value threshold specified under the terms of the EU Procurement Directive applicable to, as the case may be, contracts for the supply of goods, provision of services or works (all as may be amended from time to time). The current thresholds are set out under Standing Order 3.5.
EU Threshold means the financial thresholds above which the EU Procurement Rules shall apply.
EU Threshold means the thresholds prescribed in Regulation 8 of the Regulations;
EU Threshold. Means the Contract Value at which the full requirements of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 apply. The current EU Thresholds, excluding VAT, (with effect from 1 January 2018) are: • Services £ 181,302• Supplies £ 181,302• Light Touch £ 615,278• Works £ 4,551,413• Concessions £ 4,551,413
EU Threshold means the relevant threshold set out in Regulation 5(1)(a), (c) or (d) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or Regulation 9(1) of the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016.