EU waters definition
Examples of EU waters in a sentence
The fitness check was announced in the Commission REFIT Communication of October 20132 and its results were reported to the European Parliament and the Council on 16 October 20153.The three EU Directives that have been chosen for the fitness check and that are targeted in this review represent a set of key safety standards and requirements for passenger ships sailing in the EU waters, i.e. Directive 2009/45/EC4, Directive 1999/35/EC5 and Directive 98/41/EC6.
Both Parties shall ensure that only aggregated data related to fishing activities in the EU waters shall be made available to the public domain, in conformity with the provision of the appropriate IOTC resolution.
This Regulation fixes for the years 2013 and 2014 the annual fishing opportunities available to EU vessels for fish stocks of certain deep-sea species in EU waters and in certain non-EU waters where catch limits are required.
The EU passenger ship safety legislation improves the safety of life on passenger ships sailing in EU waters, facilitates search and rescue operations and contributes to the internal market in maritime transport.
The TACs for deep-sea species caught by EU vessels in EU waters or in certain non-EU waters, the allocation of such TACs among Member States and the conditions functionally linked thereto, where appropriate, are set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
The proposal also guarantees that competition continues to take place on an equal footing in EU waters for all operators irrespective of their nationality or the flag their ships and craft fly and without a distinction between international and domestic journeys.
Many delegations also underlined the consequences of the new common fisheries policy (CFP) for fishing opportunities in 2016, and notably the landing obligation which will be extended next year to demersal fisheries in the North Sea and in the Atlantic EU waters.
And while decision makers gathered for the PoR event in Brussels, the listing “Modern Express” was adrift in EU waters.
Article 3(5) of the Torremolinos Protocol remains unchanged and permits the development of regional arrangements thus ensuring the continued implementation of a uniform and coherent safety regime for all fishing vessels operating in EU waters.
As a consequence, the current EEZ of Mayotte will as of 1 January 2014, become EU waters.