Examples of European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in a sentence
The contracting authority is the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (hereinafter referred to as the FRA or the Agency).
Disclaimer: This document was commissioned under contract by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) as background material for the project ‘FRA Fundamental Rights Report 2022’.
According to Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights is exempt from all charges, taxes and dues, including value added tax; such charges may not therefore be included in the calculation of the price quoted; the VAT amount must be indicated separately.Prices shall be fixed and not subject to revision during the first year of performance of the contract.
Public sector representatives should include experts from the European Environmental Agency, the European Supervisory Authorities and the European Investment Bank and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (hereinafter: FRA) research showed that in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania and Slovenia there are not victim support organizations created to help victims of all types of crime.
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, attention: Procurement Section, Schwarzenbergplatz 11, 1040Vienna, AUSTRIA.
Besides EIGE, several other EU agencies support the EU in its efforts to promote gender equality; among them are the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Eurofound and EU-OSHA.Other structures for equality established or funded by EU Institutions underwent some changes.
Disclaimer: This document was commissioned under contract by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) as background material for the project ‘FRA Fundamental Rights Report 2021”.
In order to provide support to companies or to Member State authorities on how companies should fulfil their due diligence obligations, the Commission, in consultation with Member States and stakeholders, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, the European Environment Agency, and where appropriate with international bodies having expertise in due diligence, may issue guidelines, including for specific sectors or specific adverse impacts.
The contracting authority is the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (hereinafter referred to as FRA or the Agency).