Nearest Place of Safety definition

Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by the Designated Security Consultant where:
Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by the Designated Security Consultant where: 1. the Covered Person can be presumed safe from the Occurrence that precipitated the Covered Person’s Political Evacuation; and the Covered Person has access to Transportation; and 2. the Covered Person has the availability of temporary lodging, if needed.
Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by the Designated Security Consultant where: 1) you can be assumed safe from the Occurrence that precipitated your Security Evacuation; and 2) you have access to Transportation; and 3) you have the availability of temporary lodging, if needed.

Examples of Nearest Place of Safety in a sentence

  • Related Costs means food, lodging and if necessary, physical protection for You during the transport to the Nearest Place of Safety.

  • Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by Us or Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider where: a) You can be presumed safe from the Occurrence that precipitated Your security evacuation; andb) You have access to transportation to Your Home Country; andc) You have the availability of temporary lodging, if needed.

  • Eligible Security Evacuation expenses are for Transportation and Related Costs to the Nearest Place of Safety necessary to ensure the Insured’s safety and well-being as determined by the Designated Security Consultant.

  • Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by Us or Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider where:a.

  • Related Costs means food, lodging and, if necessary, physical protection for the Insured during theTransport to the Nearest Place of Safety.

More Definitions of Nearest Place of Safety

Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by the Designated Security Consultant where: 1. the Plan Participant can be presumed safe from the Occurrence that precipitated the Plan Participant’s Political Evacuation; and the Plan Participant has access to Transportation; and 2. the Plan Participant has the availability of temporary lodging, if needed.
Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by the Insurers or their designated entity where: 1. You can be resumed safe from the Occurrence that precipitated Your Political Evacuation; and You have access to Transportation; and 2. You have the availability of temporary lodging, if needed.
Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by the Designated Security Consultant where: 1. the Insured Person can be resumed safe from the Occurrence that precipitated the Insured Person’s Political Evacuation; and the Insured Person has access to Transportation; and 2. the Insured Person has the availability of temporary lodging, if needed.
Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by the Designated Security Consultant where: 1. the Covered
Nearest Place of Safety. , as used in this Rider, means a location determined by the Designated Security Consultant where:
Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by [authorized representative] where:
Nearest Place of Safety means a location determinedby the Designated Security Consultant where: