Examples of EV Certificate in a sentence
When submitting a Certificate Request for an EV Certificate, Subscriber shall designate, and thereby appoint, a Certificate Requester and Certificate Approver.
A Subscriber Agreement applicable to the requested EV Certificate must be signed by an authorized Contract Signer.
Subject to the terms and conditions stated herein, after issuance of a Certificate, Sectigo grants Subscriber a revocable, non-exclusive, non- transferable license to use the issued Certificate (i) on the server hosting the domain name(s) listed in the Certificate if the Certificate is a DV Certificate, OV Certificate, or EV Certificate, or (ii) for purposes of encrypting email messages, if the Certificate is a Client Certificate, until the earlier of expiration or revocation of the Certificate.
An SSL EV Certificate application must be performed by a petitionary authorised by the applicant.
In the case where HARICA and the Subscriber are affiliated, Terms of Use applicable to the requested EV Certificate must be acknowledged and agreed to by an authorized Applicant Representative.
A Certificate Approver is a natural person who is either the Applicant, employed by the Applicant, or an authorized agent who has express authority to represent the Applicant to (i) act as a Certificate Requester and to authorize other employees or third parties to act as a Certificate Requester, and (ii) to approve EV Certificate Requests submitted by other Certificate Requesters.
The CA MUST authenticate the signature of the Contract Signer on the Subscriber Agreement and the signature of the Certificate Requester on each EV Certificate Request in a manner that makes it reasonably certain that the person named as the signer in the applicable document is, in fact, the person who signed the document on behalf of the Applicant.
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 23(3): 174-195.
Verify that the Applicant’s formal legal name as recognized by the Registration Agency in the Applicant’s Jurisdiction of Registration matches the Applicant’s name in the EV Certificate Request.
In all cases, applicable signatures MUST be a legally valid and contain an enforceable seal or handwritten signature (for a paper Subscriber Agreement and/or EV Certificate Request), or a legally valid and enforceable electronic signature (for an electronic Subscriber Agreement and/or EV Certificate Request), that binds the Applicant to the terms of each respective document.