Exception standard definition

Exception standard means the standard for exceptions established in Section 4.9.4.
Exception standard means the standard for exceptions established in sub.(4n) (d).
Exception standard means the standard to be used for Exceptions that is established under Article 201.

Examples of Exception standard in a sentence

  • The Investment Entities – Applying the Consolidation Exception standard amending IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities and IAS 28 Interests in Associates and Joint Ventures clarifies the fact that exemption from the obligation to prepare consolidated financial statements also applies to parent companies that are themselves a subsidiary of an investment entity.

More Definitions of Exception standard

Exception standard means the standard for Exceptions established in Section 4.9.4.
Exception standard means the standard for exceptions
Exception standard means the standard for Ex-
Exception standard means the standard for exceptions established in section 4.9.4. "Intra-basin transfer" means the transfer of water from the watershed of one (1) of the
Exception standard means the standard for Exceptions established in Section 4.9.4. Intra-Basin Transfer means the transfer of Water from the watershed of one of the Great Lakes into the watershed of another Great Lake. Measures means any legislation, law, regulation, directive, requirement, guideline, program, policy, administrative practice or other procedure. New or Increased Diversion means a new Diversion, an increase in an existing Diversion or the alteration of an existing Withdrawal so that it becomes a Diversion. New or Increased Withdrawal or Consumptive Use means a new Withdrawal or Consumptive Use or an increase in an existing Withdrawal or Consumptive Use. Originating Party means the Party within whose jurisdiction an Application or registration is made or required. Party means a State party to this Compact. Person means a human being or a legal person, including a government or a non-governmental organization, including any scientific, professional, business, nonprofit or public interest organization or association that is neither affiliated with, nor under the direction of a government.
Exception standard means the standard for exceptions established in Section 4.9.4. "Intra-basin transfer" means the transfer of water from the watershed of one of the Great Lakes into the watershed of another Great Lake.

Related to Exception standard

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  • Flood Elevation Study means an examination, evaluation and determination of flood hazards and, if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations, or an examination, evaluation and determination of mudslide (i.e., mudflow) or flood-related erosion hazards.