EXCEPTIONS, AS NOTED means, unless otherwise noted on the drawings to approved for construction, fabrication and/or manufacture subject the provision that the work shall be carried out in compliance with all annotations and/or corrections indicated on the shop drawings and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If also marked "RESUBMIT", "EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED" is invalid and a corrected submittal of the drawing is required.
EXCEPTIONS, AS NOTED means that deviations from the design concept, which have been found, are noted, and the
EXCEPTIONS, AS NOTED means, unless otherwise noted on the drawings to approved for construction, fabrication and/or manufacture subject the provision that the work shall be carried out in compliance with all annotations and/or corrections indicated on the shop drawings and in

Examples of EXCEPTIONS, AS NOTED in a sentence

  • If also marked "RESUBMIT", "EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED" is invalid and a corrected submittal of the drawing is required.

  • EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED - RESUBMISSION REQUIRED: Denotes the Submittal conforms to the Contract Documents with the reviewer’s corrections incorporated.

  • Nuance’s goal is to maintain System Availability above 99.9% during each Monthly Billing Period, exclusive of ANY EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED BELOW IN SECTION 6.

  • EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED - RESUBMISSION NOT REQUIRED: Denotes that the Submittal conforms to the Contract Documents with the reviewer's corrections incorporated.

More Definitions of EXCEPTIONS, AS NOTED

EXCEPTIONS, AS NOTED means, unless otherwise noted on the drawings to approved for construction, fabrication and/or manufacture subject the provision that the work shall be carried


  • Preexisting condition exclusion means, with respect to coverage, a limitation or exclusion of

  • General Provisions means those portions of the Subscription Agreement headed “General Provisions” and contained on pages 7 to 12;

  • General Conditions means the “International Development Association General Conditions for Credits and Grants”, dated July 1, 2005 (as amended through October 15, 2006).

  • Exception shall have the meaning assigned thereto in the Custodial Agreement.

  • Special Conditions means Special Conditions of Contract, which override the General Conditions, also referred to as SCC.

  • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT means the ‘Instructions to Tenderers’ and ‘General Conditions of Contract’ pertaining to the work for which above tenders have been called for.