Examples of Excitation power in a sentence
Excitation power at the sample was~550-650 μW and a 355 ± 5 nm (or 325 ± 5 nm) filter was used to select for tryptophan emission.
Excitation power required for logic in the emergency rod insertion control panel is provided directly from the emergency rod insertion panels.
The equipment required for the above work such as DAS, Excitation power supply, Nitrogen gas, Networked computer will be the scope of IPRC.
When using load cell BLC with a capacity of 6 kg: e ≥ Emax/6000; When using load cell BLC with a capacity of 15 kg: e1 ≥ Emax/7500; When using load cell BLC with a capacity of 30 kg: e ≥ Emax/6000; Excitation power supply is 10 V DC.
Excitation power was kept low (typically 10.2 mW in vitro and 6 mW in living cells) to avoid bleaching during acquisition (,120 s in vitro and 20 s in living cells).
Excitation power dependence of the Purcell effect in photonic crystal microcavity lasers with quantum wires.
Excitation power of 1 mW was used in all the experiments performed in this work.
The pixel dwell time was 18 µs and the frame rate 0.18 frames/s.(D) Excitation power dependence of the fluorescence signal for Hoechst 33258 with excitation at 560 nm (green diamonds) and 717 nm (red rings).
Excitation power spanned 0.1–10 mW at 4.25 K for the power-dependent measurements, and measurement temperature spanned 4.25–250 K at 10 mW for the temperature-dependent measurements.
Excitation power tuning was realized by THORLABS NUK01 neutral density filters.