Call Valuation Date means the first Scheduled Trading Day of the month following the expiry of 35 calendar days after the Issuer’s Call Date. For the avoidance of doubt, the 35 calendar day period is mandatory and non- waivable by either the Issuer or the Holder.
FX Valuation Date means the FX Calculation Date immediately following the respective Valuation Date.
Final Valuation Date means the Final Valuation Date as specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data. If the Final Valuation Date is not a Calculation Date the immediately following Banking Day which is a Calculation Date shall be the Final Valuation Date.
Initial Valuation Date means the Issue Date, provided that if such day is not an Exchange Business Day for a Reference Asset then the Initial Valuation Date for that Reference Asset will be the first succeeding day that is an Exchange Business Day, subject to the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event. See “DESCRIPTION OF THE NOTES – Market Disruption Event” below for further detail.
SPS Valuation Date means the SPS Redemption Valuation Date or the Strike Date, as applicable.
Scheduled Valuation Date means any original date that, but for the occurrence of an event causing a Disrupted Day, would have been a Valuation Date.
SPS Redemption Valuation Date means the Settlement Price Date.
Underlying Reference Closing Price Value means, in respect of a SPS Valuation Date, the Closing Price in respect of such day.