Examples of Existing ROW in a sentence
Existing ROW, and all areas of additional ROW, whether temporary or permanent, will be clearly indicated on ROW plans prepared by the Consultant in accordance with standard survey practices.
In addition, the CONSULTANT shall submit an Acquisition Summary table and an inventory list of subdivision monuments and information regarding whether they are located on Existing ROW, common ground, easement or private property, and further identifying which of these are to be disturbed.
Existing ROW maps will be included in the information made available to Short-Listed RFQ Proposers.
Studies estimateFigure 1: Use of Existing ROW for HSRthat 25 to 30 feet of additional ROW is needed to accommodate HSR along most existing freight and passenger alignments (de Cerreno, 2005).CONSIDERATIONS FOR NEW AND/OR DEDICATED RIGHTS OF WAYNew and dedicated ROW would allow for higher speeds comparable to HSR systems found in Asia and Europe (de Cerreno, 2005).
Existing ROW corridors were then overlaid on the route corridor to distinguish land cover in existing ROW versus new ROW.
Existing ROW, and all areas of additional ROW, whether temporary or permanent, will be clearly indicated on ROW plans prepared by VHB in accordance with standard survey practices.
Significant differences in biomass and lipid productivities were observed within different isolates of the same species.
The Comprehensive Agreement explicitly states that the Project will not reduce the number of existing non-toll general purpose lanes.Developer shall design and construct the Project to provide at a minimum the same number of Existing General Purpose Lanes within the Existing ROW as of the Proposal Due Date.
Public and Partner Outreach — The Plan team conducted a public involvement program with the goal of incorporating input from relevant agencies, key modal stakeholders, and the general public into the Plan.
Existing ROW widths are 120 feet on the north leg of the intersection, 120 feet on the south leg, 120 to 123 feet on the west leg, and 100 to 111 feet on the east leg.