Existing portion definition

Existing portion means that land surface area of an existing waste management unit, included in the original Part A permit application, on which wastes have been placed prior to the issuance of a permit.
Existing portion means that land surface area of an existing surface im- poundment on which significant quan- tities of uranium byproduct materials have been placed prior to promulgation of this standard.
Existing portion means that land surface area of an existing surface impoundment on which significant quantities of uranium or thorium byproduct materials had been placed prior to September 30, 1983.

Examples of Existing portion in a sentence

  • The current Site buildings include Building 64: Garage and Repair Shop (constructed in 1939), Building 65: Storage Building (constructed in 2000), Building 69: Post Engineer Garage (constructed in 1943), and Building 180: Combined Filling Station and Oil House (constructed in 1941).

  • Of the various alternatives provided in this section, the following are suggested for further consideration of the municipality for the capital expenditures provided herein: • Municipal Act – Part 12o Non-growth (i.e. Existing) portion of the costs should be recovered by Part 12 ofMunicipal Act (using similar approach to s.

  • A varimax rotation method was used to spread variability more evenly amongst the constructs.

More Definitions of Existing portion

Existing portion means the land surface area of an existing waste management unit previously authorized and included in the original part A permit application to the EPA on which wastes have been placed before the issuance of a permit pursuant to RCRA or an operating license pursuant to these rules, whichever is sooner.
Existing portion means that land surface area of an existing surface impoundment or disposal area on which significant quantities of byproduct material have been placed prior to September 30, 1983.
Existing portion means that waste management unit into which wastes have been placed prior to final administrative disposition of the permit pursuant to the "Part B" permit requirements.
Existing portion means that land surface area of an existing surface impoundment on which significant quan- tities of uranium or thorium by-product materials had been placed prior to September 30, 1983.
Existing portion means that land surface area of an exist­ ing surface impoundment on which significant quantities of uranium or thorium by-product materials had been placed prior to September 30, 1983.
Existing portion means that land surface area of an existing surface impoundment on which significant
Existing portion means that land surface area of an existing waste management unit included in the original "Part A" permit application into which wastes have been placed prior to final administrative disposition of the permit pursuant to the "Part B" permit requirements.