existing company definition
existing company means a company formed and registered under any of the previous companies laws…”
existing company means a company which, prior to the 1st December, 1961, has been incorporated and its memorandum of association recorded in the Islands pursuant to the laws relating to companies then in force in the Islands;
existing company means a body corporate incorporated or registered or deemed to be registered under Part III of this Act or under the Companies Act 1984, or under the Companies Act 1913 or the International Companies Act 1994;
More Definitions of existing company
existing company means a company registered under the Laws repealed by Article 223;
existing company means a company, not being a foreign company, registered under or subject to the Companies Act 1893 (56 Vict., No. 8) 3.
existing company means an existing company as defined in section 3 ;
existing company means a company formed and registered before the coming into force of this Act;
existing company means any body which, before the commencement of this Act, was a company in terms of the repealed Act;
existing company. (現有公司) means a company formed and registered under the Companies Ordinance 1865 (1 of 1865), or the Companies Ordinance 1911 (58 of 1911);
existing company means any body which immediately prior to the commencement of this Act was a company in terms of any law repealed by this Act;