Examples of Existing SSA in a sentence
Undeveloped portions of such parcels are not shown as Existing SSA.
These areas include all lands in the Existing SSA, plus all lands in the Highlands Planning Area identified by the RMP as being both within the Existing Community Zone (not including the Environmentally-Constrained Sub-Zone) and Lake Community Sub-Zone, and also are located within areas identified by the municipality for sewer service and approved by the Highlands Council as part of the municipality’s Petition for Plan Conformance.
For any ExistingArea Served parcel that is less than or equal to 1 acre in total size, the map shows the entire parcel as Existing SSA regardless of development status and Land Use Capability Zone.
These areas include all lands in the Existing SSA, plus all lands in the Highlands Planning Area identified by the RMP as being both within the Existing Community Zone (not including the Environmentally-Constrained Sub-Zone), and also are located within areas identified by the municipality for sewer service and approved by the Highlands Council as part of the municipality’s Petition for Plan Conformance.
These areas include all lands in the Existing SSA, plus all lands in the Highlands Planning Area identified by the RMP as being within the Existing Community Zone (excluding the Environmentally-Constrained Sub-Zone but including the Lake Community Sub-Zone) and also located within areas identified by the municipality for sewer service and approved by the Highlands Council as part of the municipality’s Petition for Plan Conformance.
For any Existing Area Served parcel that is less than or equal to 1 acre in total size, the map shows the entire parcel as Existing SSA regardless of development status and Land Use Capability Zone.
Within the Existing Community Zone and Lake Community Sub-Zone only, the undeveloped portions of such Existing Area Served parcels are included as Existing SSA regardless of size.
These areas include all lands in the Existing SSA, plus all lands in the Highlands Planning Area identified by the RMP as being both within the Existing Community Zone (excluding the Environmentally-Constrained Sub-Zone) and also located within areas identified by the municipality for sewer service and approved by the Highlands Council as part of the municipality’s Petition for Plan Conformance.
Within the Highlands Center or Existing Community Zone only, the undeveloped portions of such Existing Area Served parcels are included as Existing SSA regardless of size.
Existing SSA tools do not need to be revised immediately following final agreement of the standards, however the standards should be utilized when considering future developments to progress joint working and information sharing.