Existing Stationary Source definition
Examples of Existing Stationary Source in a sentence
The National Ambient Air Quality Standards contained in Article 2 are cited extensively in Chapter 18 of the Arizona Administrative Code, particularly in: Article 3, Permits and Permit Revisions; Article 4, Permit Modifications for New Major Sources and Major Modifications To Existing Sources; and Article 7, Existing Stationary Source Perfor- mance Standards.
Articles and their headings: 7, Existing Stationary Source Performance Standards5.
Existing Stationary Source Performance Standards R18–2– 731 Standards of Performance for Exist- ing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, effective August 10, 2018.
Category B New and Existing Stationary Source Performance Standards for Fossil-Fuel Fired Industrial and Commercial Equipment (Boilers, not subject to NSPS or NESHAP).
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 03-21-045 filed 10/9/03, effective 11/9/03) SWCAA 400-114 Requirements for Replacement or Substantial Alteration of Emission Control Technology at an Existing Stationary Source (1) Any person proposing to replace or substantially alter the emission control technology installed on an existing "stationary source" or emission unit shall file an air discharge permit application with the Agency and shall be subject to the review process of SWCAA 400-110.
The air is the new transmission media and this has brought news possibilities and shortcomings.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 03-21-045 filed 10/9/03, effective 11/9/03) SWCAA 400-114 Requirements for Replacement or Substantial Alteration of Emission Control Technology at an Existing Stationary Source (1) Any person proposing to replace or substantially alter the emission control technology installed on an existing "stationary source" or "emission unit" shall file an air discharge permit application with the Agency and shall be subject to the review process of SWCAA 400-110.
The affected sources at the facility to which the air quality operating permit applies are identified in the following categories of the permit: Category A New and Existing Stationary Source Performance Standards for Fossil-Fuel Fired Industrial and Commercial Equipment (Generator, not subject to NSPS or NESHAP).
Article IV – New and Existing Stationary Source Performance Standards17.16.130Applicability.17.16.230Standards of performance for storage vessels for petroleum liquids.17.16.400Organic solvents and other organic materials.17.16.430Standards of performance for unclassified sources.