Examples of Construction or modification in a sentence
Construction or modification of navigational aids and boundary markers.
Construction or modification of a public access site.2. Repair of a damaged public access site or reconstruction of a destroyed public access site unless exempt under par.
Construction or modification, by or under the authority of the Coast Guard or a designated port management authority, of navigational aids such as channel markers and anchor buoys.
Construction or modification of any parking area, except single-family residential parking areas, shall comply with plans that have been approved by the city.
Construction or modification of navigational aids such as channel markers and anchor buoys.
Construction or modification and an initial operation period for equipment shakedown, testing and Department evaluation of operation to assure conformity with the permit conditions is authorized for each emissions unit covered in this permit.
Construction or modification of navigational aids such as channel markers and anchor buoys;6.
Construction or modification of navigational aids and boundary markers are allowed.
Construction or modification activities performed within these areas require permits from NYSDEC.Activities that could require review under the BNL Natural and Cultural Resource Manage- ment Programs are identified during the NEPA process (see Section 3.3).
Construction or modification of any parking area, except single-family residential parking areas, shall comply with the Site Plan approved by the City.