Existing tower definition

Existing tower or “existing base station” means a tower or base station that has been reviewed and approved under the applicable zoning or siting process, or under another state or local regulatory review process. “Existing tower” includes a tower that was not reviewed and approved because it was not in a zoned area when it was built and lawfully constructed.
Existing tower means each Tower owned by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries on the day prior to the Agreement Date.
Existing tower means a freestanding support structure constructed before the effective date of this chapter that is used to provide wireless services.

Examples of Existing tower in a sentence

  • Existing tower, if utilized, shall be made to conform to the above requirements.

  • The top five programs by declared major are: liberal arts, business management, information technology, education and child development, and human services.

  • Existing tower facilities may continue in use and routine maintenance may be performed on them, but they may not be altered, converted, modified, transformed, varied, added to or changed in any way without complying with the terms of this Ordinance.

  • Motorola Solutions will perform structural analysis on the water tank, design, build, and install multi-antenna rooftop platform, permitting, grounding enhancements, and supply and install Microwave Dish(es).Site Scope Summary• Engineering services for site drawings and regulatory approvals – Included.• Site acquisition services – Not included.• Zoning Services – Not included.• Existing tower to be used for antennas – 160 ' Water Tank.

  • Existing tower and rooftop sites in Europe 2018 Germany, 70136 France, 47347 Italy, 47218 UK, 38500 Poland, 22000 Fibre backhaul 80-100% fibre backhaul required.Particularly important for urban small cell networks3Source: Tower Xchange Europe 2018.

  • Motorola Solutions will perform structural analysis on the OPPD Cedar Bluffs tower for installing Microwave Dish(es).Site Scope Summary• Engineering services for site drawings and regulatory approvals – Included.• Site acquisition services – Not included.• Zoning Services – Not included.• Existing tower to be used for antennas – 450' Self-Support Tower.

  • Motorola Solutions will perform structural analysis on the Dodge County Building for installing Microwave Dish(es).Site Scope Summary• Engineering services for site drawings and regulatory approvals – Included.• Site acquisition services – Not included.• Zoning Services – Not included.• Existing tower to be used for antennas – 85' Self-Support Tower.

  • Motorola Solutions will perform structural analysis on the Fremont Power Station tower for installing Microwave Dish(es).Site Scope Summary• Engineering services for site drawings and regulatory approvals – Included.• Site acquisition services – Not included.• Zoning Services – Not included.• Existing tower to be used for antennas – 180 ' Rooftop.

  • The rate at which the excitation of neutrals, In*, and ions, I+*, occurs is based on the probability that the emitted electrons result in an excitation event.

  • Existing tower facilities provide for bottom releases through the main flood gates (1,250 ft.) or two small bypass gates (1,297 ft.) only.Thereby all in-lake hypolimnion (cold water) is evacuated by early summer.

More Definitions of Existing tower

Existing tower means a tower legally in existence before an eligible facilities request is filed with the city.
Existing tower means [ add definition].

Related to Existing tower

  • Relating to or “concerning” means and includes pertaining to, referring to, or having as a subject matter, directly or indirectly, expressly or implied, the subject matter of the specific request.

  • laws relating to native title means laws applicable from time to time in Western Australia in respect of native title and includes the Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth);

  • Existing structure means any structure that is installed or approved for installation at the time a wireless services provider or wireless infrastructure provider provides notice to a locality or the Department of an agreement with the owner of the structure to co-locate equipment on that structure. "Existing structure" includes any structure that is currently supporting, designed to support, or capable of supporting the attachment of wireless facilities, including towers, buildings, utility poles, light poles, flag poles, signs, and water towers.

  • Existing Project means a project declared under commercial operation prior to the date of effectiveness of these Regulations;

  • Terms of Use means any privacy policy, terms of use or other terms and conditions made applicable by BNYM in connection with the Company’s or a Permitted User’s access to and use of a Component System or a BNYM Web Application or other access site or access method.

  • Particulate Matter (PM means the particles found in the exhaust of CI engines, which may agglomerate and adsorb other species to form structures of complex physical and chemical properties.

  • Service Specific Terms means the HCL document current at the date of Order which contains any terms specifically relating to a Service ordered by the Customer.

  • Original Project means the Project described in the Original Financing Agreement.

  • Conditions of Use means these terms and conditions as may be varied by us from time to time.

  • Existing Facilities means all existing buildings and other facilities, the sites for the buildings or facilities, and furnishings or equipment for the buildings or facilities located on real property acquired by the building authority under the terms of this act.