Examples of Expected Annual Output in a sentence
Starting the first full calendar year after the Commercial Operation Date of the Facility, for each year during the Delivery Period, Seller shall deliver to Buyer no less than seventy percent (70%) of the Expected Annual Output averaged over two consecutive calendar years on a rolling basis during the Delivery Period (the “Net Output Requirement”).
If Seller fails to satisfy the Net Output Requirement for any two-year period, to determine compliance with the Net Output Requirement in the next rolling two-year period, then the amount of Energy generated in the first year of such two-year rolling period will be deemed to be the higher of (i) seventy percent (70%) of the Expected Annual Output for such year, or (ii) the actual amount of Energy generated by the Facility in such year.
Recommendation: That Council introduce and subsequently adopt, by reading of title only, An Ordinance of the Council of the City of Santa Barbara Authorizing the Airport Director to Execute a First Amendment to the Power Purchase Agreement (City Agreement No. 24,975) Between the City of Santa Barbara and SunEdison Origination3, LLC, to Amend the Site Description, to Reduce the Expected Annual Output of the System and Reduce the Energy Purchase Rate for Energy Delivered.
If Seller fails to satisfy the Net Output Requirement for any two-year period, to determine compliance with the Net Output Requirement in the next rolling two-year period, then the amount of Energy generated in the first year of such two- year rolling period will be deemed to be the higher of (i) seventy percent (70%) of the Expected Annual Output for such year, or (ii) the actual amount of Energy generated by the Facility in such year.
Foregone User Benefit is defined as (i) in the year of occurrence, the difference between the G1 rate in the year of occurrence of the PV System Loss and the Net Energy Price multiplied by the Expected Annual Output adjusted for the Annual System Degradation Factor and (ii) for subsequent years the G1 rate is assumed to increase by 3% per year.
Exhibit 5 Expected Annual Output Exhibit 6 Form of Guaranty THIS GUARANTY AGREEMENT (this ”Guaranty”), dated as of [date], is issued and delivered by [ enter corporate legal name], a [state] [form of entity] (the ”Guarantor”), for the account of [enter corporate name], a [state] [form of entity] (the “Obligor”), and for the benefit of [enter corporate name], a [state] [form of entity] (the ”Beneficiary”).
If Seller fails to satisfy the Net Output Requirement for any two- year period, to determine compliance with the Net Output Requirement in the next rolling two-year period, then the amount of Energy generated in the first year of such two-year rolling period will be deemed to be the higher of (i) seventy percent (70%) of the Expected Annual Output for such year, or (ii) the actual amount of Energy generated by the Facility in such year.
Estimated future minimum lease payments as of December 31, 2016, are as follows: Pursuant to terms under the PPA, the Company is required to make payments to LES if the Expected Annual Output of electrical output is not delivered each annual period.
Each System’s Expected Annual Output shall be as stated on Attachment 5: Cost and Generation.
The Expected Annual Output for each System is shown on each System’s Attachment 5.