Examples of Experimental or investigational services in a sentence
Experimental or Investigative Services Experimental or investigational services or supplies, including any complications or effects of such services.
Previously, benefits were available for lobar lung transplants performed at these types of facilities.• We revised our definition of Experimental or investigational services.
Experimental or investigational services or supplies and related exams or consultations.
Services we provide benefits for, as described in this brochure.Custodial care Deductible Durable medical equipment Experimental or investigational services Group health coverageTreatment or services, regardless of who recommends them or where they are provided, that could be rendered safely and reasonably by a person not medically skilled, or that are designed mainly to help the patient with daily living activities.
Experimental or investigational services are not a covered benefit of the Plan.
Extractions, dental caries, periodontics (including but not limited to gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontosis) or the correction of impactions will not be covered.• Services or supplies for the administration of anesthesia if the charges for surgery are not covered under the EMHP.• Services or supplies to the extent they are not covered by the hospital portion because you failed to follow Program Requirements.• Experimental or investigational services or supplies.