External Platform definition
Examples of External Platform in a sentence
Online Systems and External Platform terms are set out in Annex 1 (Finalto Online Systems and External Platforms) to this Agreement.
You will be responsible for all Orders entered on your behalf via Finalto Online Systems and/or External Platform and you will be fully liable to us for the settlement of any Transaction arising from it.
When you enter into a Transaction with us, a Pop-up Image reflecting the key economic terms will ordinarily appear on the screen page of Finalto Online Systems and/or External Platform.
It is important to note that Finalto Online Systems and/or External Platform permits you to disable the functionality that causes the Pop-up Image to appear on the screen page.
When you are utilising the External Platform you will not be entering trade orders and trade details directly with us, but rather will be entering trade orders and trade details via the External Platform through a third party.
You confirm that we have not solicited, or in any other way recommended your participation on the External Platform.
This Agreement supersedes any previous agreement between you and us on the same subject matter and it takes effect when you signify acceptance of these Terms of Business by (i) signing the Notice Letter; (ii) using Finalto Online Systems and/or External Platform, or (iii) entering into a Transaction with us (whichever is earlier).
You hereby authorise and direct us to enter trades for your Account in accordance with trading signals generated and sent to us by the External Platform.
You have made your own inquiries and conducted research into the External Platform sufficient to make an informed investment decision.
If you utilise the External Platform, you acknowledge and agree to the following additional terms and conditions and authorise us to act accordingly by signing and returning the Notice Letter.