Examples of External Policy in a sentence
Included among these factors are staffing practices, flexible, and self-scheduling, access to functioning lifting equipment, occupational health and safety polices, and security personnel.■ At the system or external level, the External Policy Factors include health care delivery models, funding, and legislative, trade, economic and political frameworks(e.g., migration policies, health system reform) external to the organization.
Mr. Michel was speaking at a European Parliament hearing initiated by a caucus of six EU Parliamentarians in conjunction with the Brussels-based NGO, Europe External Policy Advisers (EEPA).
Verbruggen, “The EU and Death penalty Abolition: The Limited Prospects of Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters as an External Policy Tool” (2013) 4(4) New Journal of European Criminal Law 481, 485.
Increased disposal costs could have a significant financial implication for the service (viability). External Policy (National) – The government is currently consulting on several waste industry issues which may have impact on the way that we collect waste in future. External Policy (Air Quality) – The new fleet vehicles are Euro 6 compliant.
A new Trio-Presidency Programme for JHA External Policy is a first step in this direction and more steps need to be further developed.• New Regional Judicial Cooperation Network should be considered.
Included among these factors are staffing practices, flexible and self-scheduling, access to functioning lifting equipment, occupational health and safety polices, and security personnel.■ At the system or external level, the External Policy Factors include health care delivery models, funding, and legislative, trade, economic and political frameworks(e.g. migration policies, health system reform) external to the organization.
Or you can make a working group made up of some committee members working on that.Motion to establish a working group on the External Policy Manual Moved: Georgia Seconded: Joshua Passed unanimouslyMathew: Straw Poll for interested members in the committee: VPs, Laura, Jackson Georgia: suggestion for support staff: Sheldon, Justin, AVPsJustin: Terms of reference might be needed and maybe the committee should decide if someone would need to decide meetings and bring guests.
External Policy Advocacy CalChoice supports educating potential participants of the CPUC Supplier Diversity Program and in 2022 created its own Supplier Diversity landing page on the CalChoice website.
For the Authority to effectively represent the interests of its Members and Contracting Entities on External Policy Issues, the Authority will develop and adopt Policy Principles on specific topics, including an annual legislative and regulatory agenda, and approve such Policy Principles as follows.
Included among these factors are staffing practices, flexible and self-scheduling, access tofunctioning lifting equip ment, occupational health and safety polices, and securitypersonnel.■ At the system or external level, the External Policy Factors include health care delivery models, funding, and legislative, trade,economic and political frameworks(e.g. migration policies, health system reform) external to the organization.