Examples of Bargaining Unit in a sentence
In the event the rights of one Occasional Teacher are alleged to have been breached, the Bargaining Unit may initiate an Individual Grievance in writing at Step on behalf of the Occasional Teacher within and not after ten school days after the Occasional Teacher has discussed the matter informally at Step with his or her Principal, or the applicable Superintendent of Education or designate, as required at Step Complaint.
Unless otherwise provided within this Agreement, all correspondence between the parties arising out of or incidental to this Agreement shall pass to and from the President or designate of the Bargaining Unit and the appropriate Superintendent of Education or designate.
The Bargaining Unit shall indemnify and save the Board harmless with respect to all claims and demands made against the Board by an employee as a result of the provision of employee information and the deduction and remittance of dues by the Board pursuant to this Article.
Upon being so notified, the Superintendent of in consultation with the President of the Bargaining Unit, will arrange appropriate re-assignment of the teacher.
The information package shall be developed in consultation with the Bargaining Unit.