Facial recognition definition

Facial recognition means the use of the Public Surveillance Cameras, either disclosed or non-disclosed, in conjunction with software or other digital technologies, to ascertain or confirm the identity or location of an individual whose image is captured on the video surveillance Footage, whether in Real Time, retrospectively, or prospectively, without the requirement of human monitoring, by automatically identifying the facial features of an individual person.
Facial recognition as defined under Chapter 18, means a biometric software application that identifies or verifies a person by comparing and analyzing patterns based on a person’s facial contours.
Facial recognition means technology that maps a person's

Examples of Facial recognition in a sentence

  • See e.g. EDPB, Facial recognition in school renders Sweden’s first GDPR fine, 2019.

  • Facial recognition system should be able to automatically detect a face in an image, extract its features and then recognize it from a general viewpoint (i.e., from any pose) which is a rather difficult task.

  • Facial recognition, in particular, has a high rate of false negatives (where the technol- ogy fails to recognize individuals) and false positives (where the technology matches an individual to someone else, incorrectly).

  • Facial recognition technology: fundamental rights considerations in the context of law enforcement, 2019.

  • See: Facial recognition technology: fundamental rights considerations in the context of law enforcement, https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2019/facial-recognition.fundamental rights implications of using remote biometric identification AI systems can vary considerably depending on the purpose, context and scope of the use.EU data protection rules prohibit in principle the processing of biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, except under specific conditions 58 .

More Definitions of Facial recognition

Facial recognition means an automated or semi-automated process
Facial recognition means the automatic processing of digital images which contain the faces of individuals for identification, authentication/verification or categorisation of those in- dividuals.104
Facial recognition means technology that maps a person's unique facial features for purposes of identifying or verifying the person, or to discern the person's demographic information, such as gender, race, age, nationality, or sexual orientation, or emotional state or mood. "Facial recognition" includes facial verification, facial identification, and facial characterization, and generates facial recognition data that is subject to this act. "Facial recognition" does not include facial detection, whereby facial mapping is done solely for the purpose of distinguishing the presence from the absence of a human face without storing facial recognition data upon completion.
Facial recognition means the face recognition feature on your Android Device.
Facial recognition means an automated or semi-automated process that assists in identifying or verifying an individual or capturing information about an individual based on the physical characteristics of an individual’s face, or that uses characteristics of an individual’s face, head, or body to infer emotion, associations, activities, or the location of an individual.
Facial recognition graphic password" and etc.
Facial recognition means the automatic processing of digital images which contain the faces of individuals for identification, authentication/verification or categorisation of those individuals.102