Faith definition
Examples of Faith in a sentence
A request to reconsider shall be delivered to the Contract Compliance Section and shall be handled and considered in the same manner as set forth in paragraph (c) of “Good Faith Effort Procedures” of this Special Provision, except a final decision that a good faith effort was not made during contract performance to achieve the goal agreed to in the Utilization Plan shall be the final administrative decision of the Department.
Within 10 business days after the notification of contract award, the contractor is to identify, by name, the DBE firms whose utilization is intended to satisfy this provision, the items of work of the DBE subcontract or supply agreement and the dollar value of those items of work by completing the Commitment to Subcontract to DBE Form [DT1506] and all necessary attachment A forms, as well as, Good Faith Waiver Form [DT1202] and supporting documentation as necessary.
Consideration of Good Faith Effort for Projects with MBE/WBE Goals More Than Zero Adequate good faith efforts mean that the bidder took all necessary and reasonable steps to achieve the goal which, by their scope, intensity, and appropriateness, could reasonably be expected to obtain sufficient MBE/WBE participation.
Submission of Good Faith Effort If the bidder fails to meet or exceed either the MBE or the WBE goal, the apparent lowest responsive bidder shall submit to the Department documentation of adequate good faith efforts made to reach that specific goal(s).
All necessary supporting documentation including Attachment ‘A’ forms and/or Good Faith Efforts FormEffective January 2017 letting ASP-3 [DT1202] must be submitted no later than 2 business days from contractor’s initial submission of the DT 1506.