Examples of FAS 5 in a sentence
We also hereby inform you that we have represented to our auditors that there are no unasserted possible claims that you have advised are probable of assertion and must be disclosed in accordance with FAS 5 in our financial statements dated as of [enter the date of the last audited financial statements or the date of the last balance sheet] and for the year then ended.
Additionally, all credit unions regardless of asset size must comply with GAAP in funding the allowance as discussed above in the section dealing with FAS 5.
The NCUA agrees that the vast majority of credit unions will have loans within the scope of FAS 5 and that it will be only the most complex credit unions that may have a large balance business loan within the scope of FAS 114 requiring individual classification.
Other favorable comments included approval of the useful appendix illustrations; appreciation for the discussion points on FAS 5 and FAS 114 as particularly helpful; and acknowledgement that the policy recognized that credit unions with homogeneous pools of consumer loans should have a lesser burden.
This material weakness resulted in management concluding, and the Company’s independent auditor concurring, that the establishment of a FAS 5 reserve was required as of December 31, 2005.
Thailand Tax Provision and Reporting Preparation and submission of all materials at the State, Federal and International (ex-US) levels required for the quarterly income Tax provision to ensure compliance under FAS 109, FAS 5, FAS 123R and FIN 48, and all amendments or changes thereto.
He believes FAS 114 is intended to provide job security to CPAs. This commenter further suggested that the vast majority of credit unions will have loans within the scope of FAS 5, i.e., smaller balance, homogeneous pools of consumer loans.
FAS 5 and FAS 114 comprise GAAP and all credit unions must comply with GAAP in their ALLL estimation process: credit unions under $10 million in assets must comply with GAAP in their ALLL estimation process in order to meet full and fair disclosure requirements of the NCUA Rules and Regulations; in addition, credit unions with $10 million or more in assets must comply with GAAP under requirements of the Federal Credit Union Act as amended by the Credit Union Membership Access Act.
The reserves for regulatory matters set forth in the Combined Balance Sheet have been established in accordance with the FAS 5 requirements of accruing estimable and probable matters.
The banking agencies “expect” a banking organization to ensure proper regulatory reporting of contingent liabilities (such as support agreements) arising from its investment advisory activities in accordance with FAS 5.