Fatal Errors definition

Fatal Errors means Errors totally blocking the functionality of the System, as a result of which the System substantially unusable.
Fatal Errors means Errors which block the operations of the Participant, resulting in the impossibility of any useful work getting done.

Examples of Fatal Errors in a sentence

  • Bassin, Was the Dujail Trial Fair?, Journal of International Criminal Justice 5 (2007), 272-286, 272; Nehal Bhuta, Fatal Errors, The Trial and Appeal Judgments in the Dujail Case, Journal of International Criminal Justice 6 (2008), 39-65, 39.

  • An Analysis of Past and Current Criminal Prosecutions for Clinical Mistakes and Fatal Errors, 2 DEPAUL J.

  • Fatal Errors: Duplicate Record ‌ This indicates that an identical record has already been submitted to TEDS.

  • DETAILED CLAIM INFORMATION CLAIM CORRECTION RECORD (CONT’D) Field No. Field Title/Description Class Position Bytes13 LOGICAL OR FATAL ERROR CODES FOR THIS CLAIM (AN) 91–495 405This field contains all the Logical and/or Fatal Errors found for this claim (as identified by the data contained in Positions 2–70 of this record).The error codes are 3 bytes each and are recorded consecutively.

  • Cadence and NTI will --------------------------------- jointly classify Errors reported by Cadence as follows: "Fatal" means an Error that prevents the product from performing any useful work; "Severe Impact" means an Error that disables a major or essential function or functions (other than Fatal Errors); "Degraded Operations" means an Error that disables one or more non-essential functions; and "Minor" means all other Errors.

  • There are no usable workarounds available to troubleshoot the problem.b) For UAT: Fatal Errors like General Protection Fault, system hangs and testing cannot proceed till error is fixed.2Higha) For Live Operations: Users face severe functional restrictions in the application irrespective of the cause.

  • Cadence and NTI will jointly --------------------------------- classify Errors reported by Cadence as follows: "Fatal" means an Error that prevents the product from performing any useful work; "Severe Impact" means an Error that disables a major or essential function or functions (other than Fatal Errors); "Degraded Operations" means an Error that disables one or more non- essential functions; and "Minor" means all other Errors.

  • Reject Bids – Payroll Services – Fatal Errors in the Bids - Bidders Did Not Submit The Required Documents Parks and Recreation 8.

  • Fatal Errors should resultin an failure status being returned to the Integration Error Handler.

  • With this in mind, these problems were divided into 3 categories: Incoherencies, Non-Fatal Errors and Fatal Errors.

Related to Fatal Errors

  • Medication error means any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm, while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer. Such events may be related to professional practice, health care products, procedures, and systems including, but not limited to: prescribing; order communication; product labeling, packaging and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring; and use.

  • NAV Error means an error in the computation of the net asset value for a Fund or class as more fully described in the NAV Error Policy.

  • Severity 3 means the unavailability of an individual resource and automated redundancy is fulfilling demand.

  • Errors shall have the meaning specified in Section 8.2(c) of the Sale and Servicing Agreement.

  • Continued Errors has the meaning specified in Section 2.2(c)(iii).

  • Software Error means a reproducible defect or combination thereof in the Software that results in a failure of the Software when used in accordance with the Documentation. Software Errors do not include those errors caused by (a) Licensee’s negligence, (b) any unauthorized modification or alteration Licensee makes to the Software, (c) data that does not conform to Licensor’s specified data format, (d) operator error, or (e) use not conforming to the Licensor’s supported technical environment specified in the Documentation.

  • Severity 1 means the unavailability of multiple service resources and redundant capability is not available or has been exhausted.

  • Disinfection profile means a summary of daily Giardia lamblia inactivation through the treatment plant. The procedure for developing a disinfection profile is contained in s. NR 810.34.

  • Workaround means a change in the procedures followed or data supplied by Customer to avoid an Error without substantially impairing Customer’s use of the Software.

  • Clerical error means a minor error:

  • Degradation means a decrease in the useful life of the right-of-way caused by excavation in or disturbance of the right-of-way, resulting in the need to reconstruct such right-of-way earlier than would be required if the excavation or disturbance did not occur.

  • Congenital Anomaly means a condition which is present since birth, and which is abnormal with reference to form, structure or position.

  • Service Specifications means the following documents, as applicable to the Services under Your order: (a) the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, the Program Documentation, the Oracle service descriptions, and the Data Processing Agreement described in this Schedule C; (b) Oracle’s privacy policies; and (c) any other Oracle documents that are referenced in or incorporated into Your order. The following do not apply to any non-Cloud Oracle service offerings acquired in Your order, such as professional services: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, Program Documentation, and the Data Processing Agreement. The following do not apply to any Oracle Software: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, Oracle service descriptions, and the Data Processing Agreement.

  • Sound level meter means an instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector, integrator or time averager, output meter, and weighting networks used to measure sound pressure levels.

  • Problem means an unknown underlying cause of one or more Incidents. It becomes a Known Error when the root cause is known and a temporary workaround or permanent alternative has been identified.

  • Severity 2 means the unavailability of an individual resource and redundant capability is not available or exhausted.

  • Correction as used in this clause, means the elimination of a defect.

  • Encounter means a record of a medically-related service rendered by an AHCCCS-registered provider to a member enrolled with a contractor on the date of service.

  • Nonconformance as used in this clause means a condition of any hardware, software, material, or service/workmanship in which one or more characteristics do not conform to requirements.

  • Step therapy protocol means a protocol or program that establishes the specific

  • Encounter Data Any Contractor accessing payments for services through the Global Commitment to Health Waiver and Vermont Medicaid programs must provide encounter data to the Agency of Human Services and/or its departments and ensure that it can be linked to enrollee eligibility files maintained by the State.

  • Participating Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist means a Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Service Specification means and include detailed description, statements to technical data, performance characteristics, and standards (Indian as well as) as applicable and as specified in the Contract as well as those specifications relating to Industry standards and codes applicable to the performance of the work, work performance quality and the specifications affecting the works or any additional specification required to be produced by the DCO to meet the design criteria.

  • Clinical nurse specialist means a registered nurse with relevant post-basic qualifications and 12 months’ experience working in the clinical area of his/her specified post-basic qualification, or a minimum of four years’ post-basic registration experience, including three years’ experience in the relevant specialist field and who satisfies the local criteria.

  • Basic Comprehensive User Guide means the Ministry document titled Basic Comprehensive Certificates of Approval (Air) User Guide” dated April 2004 as amended.

  • Corrective Measure means a measure as defined in Article 3, point 16, of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020;