Examples of Severity 2 in a sentence
N/A 1 Business Hour 1 hour 1 hour Severity 2 (High): A problem where the Software is functioning but your use in a production environment is severely reduced.
Severity 2 (“Major”) Incidents: A Severity 2 Incident means (i) the system is functioning with limited capabilities, or (ii) is unstable with periodic interruptions, or (iii) mission critical applications, while not inoperable, have experienced material system interruptions.
Severity 3 incidents seldom require escalation but in the event that AT&T believes that Motricity is not addressing the incident in a timely manner, the parties can mutually agree to elevate the priority of the incident, and treat it as a Severity 2 incident.
Severity 2 means the Cloud Service is degraded or significant aspects of Case Submitter’s business operation are negatively impacted by unacceptable software performance.
Severity 2 (Sev2) AT&T SIR2 Severity 2 problems are conditions under which the service is partially inoperative, but is still usable.