Examples of Federal capitalization grant in a sentence
Reimbursements to communities are paid 100% from State matching funds until they have been exhausted, and then from Federal capitalization grant funds or Drinking Water State Revolving funds.
States are required to provide an additional 20 percent of the Federal capitalization grant as matching funds in order to receive a Federal grant.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts intends to use the full 4 percent of the Federal capitalization grant funds for administrative support of activities related to the Federal Fund.
Reimbursements to communities are paid 100% from State matching funds until they have been exhausted, and then from Federal capitalization grant funds or Clean Water State Revolving Funds.
The Federal capitalization grant, principal repayments, interest repayments, and funds earned through leveraging are used to support our overall bond authorization and, as such, are not individually identified.
The front door and path shall face and be visible from the street.
In order to meet a Federal capitalization grant condition, the Ohio EPA will require WPCLF projects to comply with the federal wage and employment standards under the federal Davis-Bacon Act.
At least ten percent (10%) of an annual Federal capitalization grant should be allocated towards projects that qualify as Green Project Reserve.
To comply with all Federal capitalization grant and project reporting requirements.
Under this option, the States deposit into the SRF from State moneys at least 20 percent of the Federal capitalization grant, which increases the amount of SRF funds available for loans to communities for water projects.According to EPA’s report, the fact that match deposits are usually cash deposits under this option provides a benefit to the program because interest earnings on the match funds remain in the SRF and will be available for loans or other financial assistance.