Federally insured depository institution definition
Examples of Federally insured depository institution in a sentence
FMCSA interprets this to mean an ILC.easier to comply with the regulations if they know the specific asset classes FMCSA deems acceptable.FMCSA has therefore determined that cash, ILCs issued by a Federally insured depository institution, and Treasury bonds will constitute the acceptable categories of assets readily available.
The rule necessarily differs in some respects, however, from the FDIC regulations, because not all of the regulated entities are depository institutions, none is a Federally insured depository institution, and their important public missions, reflected in congressional charters, differ from those of banks and thrifts.The final rule establishes procedures for conservatorship and receivership and priorities of claims for contract parties and other claimants.
As noted by proposed § 615.5131(f), Federal funds are loans, for 1 business day or under a continuing contract, to a Federally insured depository institution.
Repurchase (repos) agreements for a term not to exceed 30 days may be entered into with Federally insured depository institution to purchase and sale of securities identified under subparagraphs b, c and d.
Congress sought to prevent parties affiliated with federal depository institutions from "using bankruptcy to evade commitments to maintain capital reserve requirements of a Federally insured depository institution." H.R. Rep.
DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, Memorial day, DAY,9 Independence day, DAY, Labor day, DAY, Columbus day, DAY, Veterans'10 day, DAY, Thanksgiving day, DAY, and Christmas day.DAY.11 (d) "Federally insured depository institution" means a state12 or national bank, state or federal savings bank, state or federal13 savings and loan association, or state or federal credit union that14 holds deposits insured by an agency of the United States.
The last date upon which both parties execute this Agreement, shall be the "Effective Date." All monies paid pursuant to this Paragraph shall be referred to as "Deposits" and upon receipt of a duly executed I.R.S. form W-9 from Purchaser, shall be deposited in an interest bearing money market account in a Federally insured depository institution.