Examples of Fee system in a sentence
A municipality leaving the Service Area to become a Contracting Entity will not be considered a “new” Party, but will be subject to the Member Fee system and calculation for contracting parties as adopted in the current budget.
Fee system users can go online and see the status of a fee at any time.
In order to implement an equitable Development Impact Fee system for the City Capital Facilities, the City retained TischlerBise to prepare an impact fee study for these types of facilities.
The creation of an equitable Development Impact Fee system would enable the City to accommodate new development, and would assist the City to implement the Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
Chapter 82, Title 67 of the Idaho Code (the Idaho Development Impact Fee Act) authorizes the City to adopt a Development Impact Fee system to offset, recoup, or reimburse the portion of the costs of needed improvements to the City Capital Facilities caused by new development in the City.
Please note this is not appropriate for Ports that use an Administrative Fee system.
A Watershed Management Fee system shall be established to equitably distribute the capital cost of implementing the Papillion Creek Watershed Management Plan among new development or significant redevelopment.
The annual report shall review the amount of service charges collected and the costs associated with the creation, administration, management and updating of the Impact Fee system and shall provide recommendations on any changes to the amount of the service charge.
For the purpose of the Air Permit Fee system, “criteria pollutants” are defined as volatile organic compounds, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and nitrogen oxides from a stationary source.
The link noted above provides information on completing a User Agreement and utilizing the Guaranteed Annual Fee system.