Examples of Feeder school in a sentence
Regular record request forms for students from schools other than feeder schools should be used.b. Feeder school must be sent a dated copy of the corrected feeder list form.
Feeder school priority will only apply in the first year of entry to the school.
Feeder school priority will only apply in the first year of entry to the school.NOTE: Criteria 5 only applies to schools which have a Specialist Resource Base on site.Please note that the individual admission policies for academies and foundation, voluntary aided, trust, and free schools can be found on our website at www.norfolk.gov.uk/schoolfinder.
Feeder school principals work with receiving schools to maximize the potential for student success through scheduling.
With the NCHD, the research team screened potential clusters against predefined exclusion criteria, including (i) lack of an eligible CYL candidate, (ii) safety and security concerns, (iii) lack of proper space for the preschool, or (iv) NCHD Feeder school had closed.
We restricted the study to NCHD Feeder school catchment areas because the possibility to transition from ECCE to primary school was considered essential.
A Transition Workshop will be conducted for all CYLs and NCHD Feeder school teachers with the goal of preparing the Feeder school teachers to welcome and support the LEAPS graduates.
Additionally, the CYLs will accompany LEAPS children to visit their Feeder school to familiarize students with their new teacher, school environment and routine.
Feeder school patterns were revised and a new feeder was added to Smith boundaries.
Registration should be done using the password for the Feeder school.