FEEE Financial Guidance definition

FEEE Financial Guidance means the annual FEEE Financial Guidance issued by the Council, as amended from time to time, the current version of which is set out at Schedule 2;

Examples of FEEE Financial Guidance in a sentence

  • For more information on how to claim DAF look at The FEEE Financial Guidance available on The Hub.EYPP eligibility can be checked using the EYP Hub Pupil RegisterGo onto the pupils profile and under eligibility you can simply click to check if the child is eligible.

Related to FEEE Financial Guidance

  • DOL Guidance means the Department of Labor (DOL) Guidance entitled: “Guidance for Executive Order 13673, ‘Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces’”. The DOL Guidance was initially published in the Federal Register on August 25, 2016, and significant revisions will be published for public comment in the Federal Register. The DOL Guidance and subsequent versions can be obtained from www.dol.gov/fairpayandsafeworkplaces.

  • Commission Guidance means (i) any publicly available written guidance or rule of general applicability of the Securities and Exchange Commission staff or (ii) written comments, requirements or requests of the Securities and Exchange Commission staff to the Company in connection with the review of a Registration Statement.

  • Risk-Based Capital Guidelines means (i) the risk-based capital guidelines in effect in the United States on the date of this Agreement, including transition rules, and (ii) the corresponding capital regulations promulgated by regulatory authorities outside the United States implementing the July 1988 report of the Basle Committee on Banking Regulation and Supervisory Practices Entitled "International Convergence of Capital Measurements and Capital Standards," including transition rules, and any amendments to such regulations adopted prior to the date of this Agreement.

  • Academies Financial Handbook means the DfE’s financial handbook for Academies in force from time to time;

  • Investment Policy means the investment policy from time to time determined by the Commission under the Rules;

  • Annual Financial Information means annual financial information as such term is used in paragraph (b)(5)(i) of the Rule and specified in Section 3(a) of this Disclosure Agreement.

  • Uniform Guidance means the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, which supersedes requirements from OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-110, and A-122, OMB Circulars A-89, A-102, and A-133, and the guidance in Circular A-50 on Single Audit Act follow-up. The terms and conditions of the Uniform Guidance flow down to Awards to Subrecipients unless the Uniform Guidance or the terms and conditions of the Federal Award specifically indicate otherwise.

  • Investment Policies has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 3.11(c).

  • Technical Guidance Letter or “TGL” means an instruction, clarification, or interpretation of the requirements of the Contract, issued by the System Agency to the Grantee.

  • financial service means a service of a financial nature, including insurance, and a service incidental or auxiliary to a service of a financial nature;

  • Investment Guidelines means the investment guidelines approved by the Board, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, as the same may be amended, restated, modified, supplemented or waived pursuant to the approval of a majority of the entire Board (which must include a majority of the Independent Directors).

  • Financial Services Provider means any Lender and any other provider of financial services or products;

  • financial group means a group that consists of a legal person or legal arrangement exercising control and coordinating functions over the rest of the group for the application of group supervision under the Core Principles, and its branches and subsidiaries that are financial institutions as defined in section 27A(6) of the MAS Act or the equivalent financial institutions outside Singapore;

  • the Approved Guidance means such guidance on the obtaining, recording and maintaining of information about costs and on the breaking down and allocation of costs by reference to Approved Reporting Currencies as may be published by Monitor; “Approved ReportingCurrencies” means such categories of cost and other relevant information as may be published by Monitor; “other relevant information” means such information, which may include quality and outcomes data, as may be required by Monitor for the purpose of its functions under Chapter 4 (Pricing) in Part 3 of the 2012 Act.

  • Financial Sponsor means any Person, including any Subsidiary of such Person, whose principal business activity is acquiring, holding, and selling investments (including controlling interests) in otherwise unrelated companies that each are distinct legal entities with separate management, books and records and bank accounts, whose operations are not integrated with one another and whose financial condition and creditworthiness are independent of the other companies so owned by such Person.

  • Financial Services Business for purposes of this Unit Agreement shall mean the business of banking, including deposit, credit, trust and investment services, mortgage banking, asset management, and brokerage and investment banking services. (C) The term "Managerial Responsibilities" for purposes of this Unit Agreement shall mean managerial and supervisory responsibilities and duties that are substantially the same as that Grantee is performing for SunTrust or a SunTrust Affiliate on the date of this Unit Agreement. (D) The term "SunTrust Affiliate" for purposes of this Unit Agreement shall mean any corporation which is a subsidiary corporation (within the meaning of §424(f) of the Code) of SunTrust except a corporation which has subsidiary corporation status under §424(f) of the Code exclusively as a result of SunTrust or a SunTrust Affiliate holding stock in such corporation as a fiduciary with respect to any trust, estate, conservatorship, guardianship or agency. (E) The term "Territory" for purposes of this Unit Agreement shall mean the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, which are the states and Territories in which SunTrust has significant operations on the date of this Unit Agreement. (F) "Trade Secret" for purposes of Unit Agreement shall mean information, including, but not limited to, technical or nontechnical data, a formula, a pattern, a compilation, a program, a device, a method, a technique, a drawing, a process, financial data, financial plans, product plans, or a list of actual or potential customers or suppliers that: (i) derives economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from it is disclosure or use, and (ii) is the subject of reasonable efforts by SunTrust or a SunTrust Affiliate to maintain its secrecy.

  • your financial institution means the financial institution nominated by you on the DDR at which the account is maintained.

  • Company Financial Information As defined in Section 2(a)(ii).

  • Financial Management Manual means the Financial Management Manual, referred to in paragraph B of Schedule 4 to this Agreement, that sets out the financial and accounting arrangements for Implementing Partners and the Recipient’s entities, in form and substance satisfactory to the Association;

  • Modification Guidelines has the meaning provided in Section 2.1(a) of this Single Family Shared-Loss Agreement.

  • Program Guidelines means any and all GLO-approved documents reflecting specific rules and regulations governing the implementation of the Program.

  • Financial Monitoring Report or “FMR” means each report prepared in accordance with Section 4.02 of this Agreement;

  • Trading Compliance Policy means the written policy of the Company pertaining to the purchase, sale, transfer or other disposition of the Company’s equity securities by Directors, Officers, Employees or other service providers who may possess material, nonpublic information regarding the Company or its securities.

  • Compliance Plan means the compliance obligations, program, and procedures described in this Consent Decree at paragraph 13.

  • the Guidance means the guidance on the creation and operation

  • Procurement Guidelines means the “Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and XXX Credits” published by the Bank in May 2004 and revised in October, 2006.