Field supervision definition
Examples of Field supervision in a sentence
Field supervision shall include responsibility for determining competence of special inspectors for the work they are authorized to inspect and monitoring the inspection activities at the jobsite to assure that the qualified inspector is performing his or her duties when work requiring inspection is in progress.
Field supervision [shall] will include responsibility for determining competence of special inspectors for the work they are authorized to inspect and on-site monitoring of the special inspection activities at the job site to assure that the qualified special inspector is performing his or her duties when work requiring inspection is in progress.
Field supervision may be provided by on-duty management based on provider staffing structure and may be on an on-call basis outside of daytime business hours.
Field supervision missions concentrated on the progress of physical works and adherence to safeguards policies.
Field supervision and implementation of the drilling program was handled by the author under the overall direction of Michael R.
Field supervision teams were by and large appropriately staffed to address and report on implementation issues as they emerge.
Field supervision by the primary inspector or inspection supervisor[, per] as required by Appendix A of this section, [will include] includes responsibility for determining competence of special inspectors for the work they are authorized to inspect and on-site monitoring of the special inspection activities at the job site to ensure that a qualified special inspector is performing his or her duties when work requiring inspection is in progress.
Field supervision, monitoring and technical backstopping is hindered due to limited transport facilities.
Field supervision is the primary source of information for the Annual Supervision Report (ASR).
The Field supervision mission is expected to review, as a minimum:• social fund procurement capacity: review how the procurement capacity of the social fund compares with the assessment made at appraisal and/or the last supervision mission and compliance with the action plan proposed in the capacity assessment.