Examples of Filter aid in a sentence
Filter aid fed into a diatomite-type filter throughout the filtering cycle.CARTRIDGE FILTER.
Filter aid is added and the batch is filtered to obtain the product of desired quality.
At no cost to Tacoma Water, the supplier will provide up to the following volumes of product for use in full-scale testing: Cationic coagulant aid polymer – 3 x 55-gallon drums Filter aid polymer emulsion – 4 x 5-gallon carboysA safety data sheet and product specification sheet must be submitted with each sample.
The design capacity for both pressure and vacuum filters shall not exceed 2 gpm per square foot (.13 L/s) of effective filter area.454. Filter aid.
Recycling and disposal of packaging should be carried out by an authorised waste management company.Calcined diatomaceous earth - pink - Filter aid - Murat Disposal methods Where possible, recycling is preferable to disposal.
Act 1974 (as amended).The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (SI 2002 No. 2677) (as amended).Calcined diatomaceous earth - straight - Filter aid - Murat EU legislation Exempted in accordance with REACH Annex V.7 15.2. Chemical safety assessmentNo chemical safety assessment has been carried out.
Eleven of the 12 women interviewed were satisfied with their dealings with clinic staff and in particular with the way in which staff communicated with them during clinic visits.
Physical hazards Not ClassifiedHealth hazards Not Classified Environmental hazards Not ClassifiedCalcined diatomaceous earth - pink - Filter aid - Murat Human health This product does not meet the criteria for classification as hazardous as defined in the Regulation EC 1272/2008.
Use appropriate skin cream to prevent drying of skin.Calcined diatomaceous earth - pink - Filter aid - Murat Respiratory protection Local ventilation to control airborne dust levels below occupational exposure limits is recommended.
Use suitable lotion to moisturise skin.Calcined diatomaceous earth - pink - Filter aid - Murat Eye contact Do not rub eye.