Diesel definition
Examples of Diesel in a sentence
Diesel (x) $ Unleaded (y) $ Burner Fuel (z) $ Type of Burner Fuel Used: Sum (x + y + z) = $ Note: The sum of the x, y, and z may not exceed 15% of the original contract amount.
In case of failure of electricity, the Contractor has to make alternative arrangements for supply of electricity by Diesel Generator sets of suitable capacity at place of work.
In 2007, New York State passed legislation establishing the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act 2006 (DERA.) This Act amended the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) by adding Section 19-0323 which requires the use of best available retrofit technology (BART) and ultra low sulfur diesel fuel (ULSD) for heavy duty vehicles owned or operated by, including on behalf of, state agencies and state or regional public authorities.
Diesel generators (15- 200KVa)Optional Subtotal H-I) Excavators 1.
On February 12, 2007 the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act took effect as law (the “Law”).