FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. No significant costs specific to this issue. Ongoing tax revenue upon completion of the development.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. The proposed contract will increase regular season revenue by approximately $3,800 during the term of the agreement, and also allows for increased pre- season and playoff game revenues.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. The rental rates are outlined in the table above and include a reduced rental rate for the stadium off season. The total rent for the first year of the agreement totals $7,182.64 plus HST. Future year rental rates are increased on average by 2.7% annually.

Examples of FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS in a sentence

  • FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no immediate financial implications.


FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. The City of Missoula's portion ($20,000) listed in the Interlocal Agreement was approved in the FY21 Budget, and leverages the partner funding listed.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. The cost of the performance agreement shall not exceed $3,000.00.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. There are no financial implications for City of Xxxxxxxx. A cash deposit will be made to the City of Xxxxxxxx for the amount of the public improvements, which would allow the City to complete the public improvements should the developer default.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. This request is for up to $200,000 for one year, with the option to renew for two additional years at the same amount, with the total not to exceed $600,000. The one-year amount will be included in the 2013 Public Affairs budget and in subsequent budgets in 2014 and 2015.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. The funding authorized by Ordinance 2019-04 comes from the present year budgeted surplus.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. The cost of the contracts shall not exceed $90,000.00.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS. This service agreement is in the amount of $11,625 to be paid from LCAP Concentration/Supplementary funds.