Examples of Financially dependent in a sentence
Financially dependent does not mean a person working for the employee.
Financially dependent does not mean an employee of the school district employee.
If you wish to include a dependent between the ages of 19 and 24 under your medical and/or dental coverage, your dependent must meet the following eligibility requirements:• Unmarried or not involved in a domestic partnership• Financially dependent upon the Employee per IRS guidelines• Enrolled full-time in an accredited secondary school or college (12 or more units)This form must be completed and signed by the employee.
Financially dependent relatives are considered Secondary Occupants.
Some participants describe themselves or their partners along these “suzie homemaker” (P125, black ) or “caretaker” Financially dependent relationships were characterized by a highly differentiated income contribution often to the extent that one partner assumes financial responsibility.
Financially dependent women are particularly vulnerable in the case of the death of a partner or a divorce.
Financially dependent or interdependent Some claimants may be unable to obtain probate, for example, where they and their partner were notmarried or in a civil partnership and their partner died without leaving a will.
Financially dependent applicants should provide both student and parent information; financially independent applicants need only provide student information.
If the patient indicates that they share the expenses, and if confidentiality is not a factor, then the members of the Economic Unit would be considered as family members.) Financially dependent relatives under the age of 19 with no income who live in the patient’s household may also be counted as family members.
If under the age of 23: Financially dependent, a copy of the parents’ or guardians’ previous year federal income tax return(s) showing the petitioner was claimed as a dependent, and the parents’ address as New Mexico.