Fire flow means the maximum rate and duration of water flow needed to suppress a fire under WAC 246-293-640 or as required under local fire protection authority standards.
Fire flow means five hundred (500) gallons per minute or the flow required for fire protection by the local government or public water system, whichever is greater.
Fire flow means the quantity and duration of water flow required or available for fire protection in addition to the normal average domestic consumption in the same area.
Examples of Fire flow in a sentence
Fire flow tests are typically performed during the preliminary design phase but must be completed prior to submittal of final design.
Fire flow calculations shall be prepared by a professional engineer currently licensed in the state of Florida for each newly constructed building.
Fire flow shall meet the 20 psi or exceed the requirements set forth in the Town Design Manual.
Fire flow reduction as noted in the Appendix B of the Fire Code is not permitted.
Fire flow requirements for the development shall be submitted with the second plan check submitted.
More Definitions of Fire flow
Fire flow means water demands required to provide fire protection.
Fire flow means the water flow required for fire fighting purposes;
Fire flow means the amount and rate of water application required, as specified by the Approving Officer, to confine and control fires in a building or group of buildings which comprise essentially the fire area by virtue of immediate exposure.
Fire flow means the maximum rate and duration of water flow needed to ((fight)) suppress a fire((s)) under WAC 246-293-640 or ((adopted city, town, or county)) as required under local fire protection authority standards.
Fire flow means the maximum flow expressed in litres per second for fire protection use;
Fire flow means the minimum flow of water required for fighting a fire at a specific building, development, or within a specific area. Said minimum flows shall be determined by the Benton County Fire Marshal, after consultation with the Local District Fire Chief, based on the criteria set forth in this chapter and in the current adopted issue of the National Fire Protection Associations (NFPA) Standard on Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting (NFPA 1142).
Fire flow means the rate of water flow needed to fight fires under WAC 246-293-640 or adopted city, town, or county standards.