As required. Properly maintain plants and lawns. Provide initial supply, installation, and replacement of light bulbs, tubes, ballasts, and starters. Provide and empty exterior ash cans and clean area of any discarded cigarette butts.
As required. 4.1 Water fountains and all plumbing fixtures to be de-scaled.
As required. 4.1. All plumbing fixtures including water fountains in cell area to be de-scaled.
As required. 5 Certificate for admixtures from manufacturer
As required. 8 Concrete casting check list 24 hours before casting Before each casting 9 Reports of the following tests on water (if it is not from the public service) for mixing concrete, washing and/ or cooling aggregates and curing: 1) Sulphates (as SO3) 2) Chlorides (as NaCl)
As required. Contractor shall provide ACBHD with updates on key personnel or program site changes as referenced earlier in this Agreement. Contractor shall submit reports per the ACBHD Unusual Occurrences and Death Reporting Policy within seven business days of knowledge of the event and shall also adhere to State reporting guidelines for Unusual Occurrences per the appropriate State licensing agency. Contractor shall comply with the Formalized Case Review Policy.
As required. Contractor shall report any correspondence received from the DHCS Provider Enrollment Division or Master Provider File Division.
As required. If any part fails your Mechanical Safety Check (see section 2.2) Have those parts serviced immediately.
As required. Properly maintain plants and lawns. Provide initial supply, installation, and replacement of light bulbs, tubes, ballasts, and starters. Provide and empty exterior ash cans and clean area of any discarded cigarette butts. Lubricate door hinges, locks, handles, cabinets, door rollers. Power wash facility exterior including doors, awnings, windows.
As required. Properly maintain plants and lawns. Remove snow and ice from entrances, exterior walks, and parking lots of the building. Provide initial supply, installation, and replacement of light bulbs, tubes, ballasts, and starters. Replace worn floor coverings (this includes the moving and returning of furnishings). Control pests as appropriate, using Integrated Pest Management techniques.