Fire Services Act definition
Examples of Fire Services Act in a sentence
In respect of any event which may be the subject of indemnity under this policy the Insurer will also pay for charges levied by a fire authority in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Services Act 1981 to control or put out a fire in the Insured Vehicle or remove the driver or passengers from the Insured Vehicle using cutting equipment, subject to a limit of €385 in respect of any one incident.
FIRE BRIGADE CHARGESIn respect of any event which may be the subject of cover under this Policy We will also pay all charges levied by a fire authority in accordance with the provision of the Fire Services Act 1981 subject to a limit of €385 in respect of any one claim.
The most we will pay is €850.Fire brigade chargesWe will pay for local-authority charges (in line with the Fire Services Act 1981) for putting out a fire in your vehicle if the fire gives rise to a valid claim under the policy, or for removing the driver or passengers from your vehicle using cutting equipment.
However, we will not pay more than the reasonable cost of transporting it to your address, as shown in the schedule of insurance.Fire brigade chargesWe will pay for local-authority charges (in line with the Fire Services Act 1981) for putting out a fire in your vehicle if the fire gives rise to a valid claim under the policy, or for removing the driver or passengers from your vehicle using cutting equipment.
We will pay all charges levied by a fire authority in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Services Act 1981 in respect of any event which may be the subject of indemnity under this policy subject to a limit of €1,500 in respect of any one accident.