Fire Water definition
Examples of Fire Water in a sentence
A motion to approve and ratify the accounts payable for General, Fire, Water, Sewer, Sanitation, State, Grant, Credit Union, and Capitol Improvement accounts.
The City provides the following services to its citizens: Police, Fire, Water, Wastewater, Streets, Planning, Engineering, Building, and Community Services.
If the Refinery Company should cease operations of the Refinery (including the Refinery Fire Water system), Refinery Company shall provide advance notice of such cessation of operations to Fertilizer Company and Fertilizer Company may, upon notice to Refinery Company, operate such Refinery Fire Water System, at the cost and expense of the Fertilizer Company and for the benefit of the Fertilizer Company for a period of up to two years.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Fertilizer Company acknowledges and agrees that Refinery Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred resulting from its failure or inability to provide Fire Water hereunder.
The City departments include but are not limited to: Police, Fire, Water and Sewer, Street, Solid Waste, Parks and Recreation, Engineering, Planning, Human Resources, Finance and Administration.
Raw Water from Tank (T2) is also pumped by Pumps P7 A/B to the Over Head Fire Water Tank (T5) from there it overflows to the Over Head Flushing Water Tank (T6 & T5).
The project will consider all utility systems that are necessary to support the Proposed Project, and include, but are not limited to: Domestic Water and Fire Water; Storm Water Management; Electrical Power Distribution (includes emergency power); Data/Telecommunications (voice, data, wireless, fiber optic connectivity); Fire Alarm; Security Systems, and Campus Irrigation Water and utility relocations necessitated.
In addition, SMC shall document, by month, the total hours of operation of the Emergency Fire Water Pump Diesel-Fired Engine.
BOARD COMMITTEES > NOMINATION COMMITTEE Principle 2.4 of the ASX Recommendations requires listed entities to establish a nomination committee.
By the 25th day of each month, SMC shall total the hours of operation of the Emergency Fire Water Pump Diesel-Fired Engine during the previous 12 months (ARM 17.8.1212).