Examples of First citation in a sentence
First, citation counts from Google Scholar often include self-citations; real numbers will therefore be smaller than recorded.
Citing from only one Bible version If you cite from the same Bible version throughout your text, you can note this when you make your first citation and then not specify the version in subsequent citations.• First citation: Luke refers to Herod the Great as “Herod, king of Judea” (Luke 1:5 ULT; all subsequent citations are from this version).• Subsequent citation: Luke calls his son Herod Antipas “tetrarch of Galilee” (Luke 3:1).
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It is acceptable to use standard abbreviations for these bodies, e.g. RCN, in your text, providing that the full name is given at the first citing with the abbreviation in brackets: First citation: … following major pioneering research in 2006 undertaken by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) it has been shown that … Second citation: More recently the RCN (2012) has issued guidelines for …Note that the full name is the preferred format in the reference list.
First, citation statistics are highly biased for recent papers that had not enough time to attract citations [28], and thus need to be normalized properly for a time dynamical analysis—whereas, the number of published documents grows steadily in time.
The following civil penalties are established for violations under this section: Warning citation Correct violation within seven (7) days First citation $100.00Second citation for same offense $250.00 Third and sequential citations for same offense $250.00 These civil penalties are in addition to any other penalties, which may be imposed by a court of law from violation of the provisions of this ordinance.
Violation Description Assessment Amount Proper driveway not prepared before digging starts, proper ingress $500 + Damages is not established (road damage, culvert improperly installed,undersized culvert (less than 15 inches), incorrect culvert material, etc.Not using prepared driveway to enter lot, multiple access to $100 - $500 building site.Culvert bent or plugged, or ditch line blocked in any manner to $100 - $500 disrupt natural water flow.Insufficient gravel: First citation plus 24 hours to remedy.
To insert a citation in text, include the author’s surname and year of publication.One author: (Field, 2005) or Field (2005)Two authors: (Gass & Varonis, 1984) or Gass and Varonis (1984)Three to five authors: First citation: (Tremblay, Richer, Lachance, & Cote, 2010) or Tremblay, Richer, Lachance, and Cote (2010) Subsequent citations: (Tremblay et al., 2010) or Tremblay et al.
First citation: ________________ Subsequent citations: ________________ Simpson, L., Paget, S., & Ellephson, R.
First, citation histograms overlap with both categories containing papers with few citations as well as papers with many citations.